A Chinese and English vocabulary, in the Tie-chiu dialect/Chá
- 柴-1
- Fuel; to collect.
- 嗟1
- To sigh; lament; a tone of sorrow or surprise.
- 槎1
- To hew wood; pare; to fell.
- 渣1
- Settlings; dregs.
- 𦊨1
- A net for rabbits.
- 昔2
- Formerly; in former times.
- 昨2
- Yesterday; recently.
- 早2
- Morning; early; speedily.
- 蚤2
- A kind of insect.
- 乍3-
- Suddenly; unexpectedly; for a short time.
- 搓1
- To rub in the hand.
- 怍3-
- Ashamed; to blush.
- 怎3-
- How? why?
- 詐3-
- False; deceitful.
- 醡3-
- A wine press.
- 仄4
- Rough tone.