A Chinese and English vocabulary, in the Tie-chiu dialect/Chʽuan
- 全-1
- Complete; entire; to finish.
- 牷-1
- A bullock without blemish for sacrifice.
- 痊-1
- To cure disease; convalescent; cured.
- 筌-1
- A bamboo instrument for catching fish.
- 銓-1
- To weigh; discriminate and select; to examine.
- 川1
- A stream; flowing; to flow.
- 穿1
- To bore through; perforate; to put on clothes.
- 喘2
- To pant; breathe short, as in asthma.
- 竄3-
- To run away and hide; pusilanimous; to seduce to vice.
- 串3-
- To connect as beads; to conspire; unite as accomplices.
- 篡3-
- To rebel and seize by violence; to usurp.
- 爨3-
- A furnace; fireplace; to eat.