A Chinese and English vocabulary, in the Tie-chiu dialect/Chai
- 臍-1
- The navel; umbilical cord.
- 知1
- To know.
- 灾1災1
- Great calamities; divine judgments.
- 菑1
- To clear land; to level a road to cut open; rend.
- 哉1
- An interrogative superlative exclamation.
- 栽1
- To plant.
- 烖1
- Calamities; divine judgments.
- 宰2
- To rule; a ruler; to kill and dress animals.
- 滓2
- Dregs; feces.
- 載2
- A year.
- 豸2
- A certain ravenous animal.
- 再3-
- Again.
- 載3-
- To contain; what is contained, as in a ship.