A Chinese and English vocabulary, in the Tie-chiu dialect/Cheng
- 征1
- To go; to subjugate; conquer; punish.
- 鍾1
- A wine vessel; to collect; heavy.
- 鐘1
- A bell; a musical bell; tones of music.
- 貞1
- Chaste; pure; uncorrupted; a term in divination.
- 偵1
- To inquire; to spy; spy.
- 楨1
- Name of a wood.
- 禎1
- A favorable omen.
- 精1
- Fine; thin; subtile; unmixed; spiritual; essence; semen.
- 睛1
- Tho pupil of the eye.
- 烝1
- To heat; or boil; to send; a multitude.
- 蒸1
- To ascend as vapor; warm hot vapor.
- 曾1
- A particle denoting that anything is already past or done.
- 僧1
- Budhist priests.
- 增1
- To add; increase; many.
- 憎1
- To dislike; to hate.
- 嘗1
- To taste; try, assay; already done; past.
- 舂1
- To beat as with a pestle; to pound.
- 摏1
- To beat; to rush against.
- 樁1
- A club or to strike; hit; to drive into the ground.
- 箏1
- A musical instrument made of reeds.
- 腫2
- To swell; a swelling; inflated.
- 種2
- To plant; sow.
- 凈-3
- To wash; clean; pure.
- 睜-3
- To stare with displeasure; look with anger.
- 諍-3
- To remonstrate; dissuade.
- 凊-3
- Intense cold.
- 靖-3
- Clean; fine; careful thought; to plan; order.
- 衆3-
- The multitude; many.
- 政3-
- Government; laws; to rule.
- 症3-
- Sickness; a diseased state of body.
- 証3-
- To remonstrate; to prove; testify; substantiate.
- 證3-
- To testify; bear witness; evidence.
- 種3-
- Seed; sort; class.