A Chinese and English vocabulary, in the Tie-chiu dialect/Chiàng
- 將1
- Take and do; to receive; a sign of the future.
- 嫜1
- A husband's parents; to make obeisance to them.
- 彰1
- Elegant composition; to manifest; exhibit.
- 暲1
- Clear and bright.
- 漳1
- Name of a stream.
- 璋1
- A kind of sceptre made of chrysoprasus; a play thing.
- 麞1
- A small species of deer.
- 長2
- To increase by growth; to extend.
- 丈-3
- A measure of ten cubits; an aged man.
- 仗-3
- Weapons of war—as sword, spear, lance.
- 杖-3
- A staff; a cudgel; to lean upon; hold; to beat with a staff; iron bar.
- 匠-3
- A mechanic; artificer.
- 瘴3-
- A distemper caused by pestilential vapors; a hot, feverish disease.
- 障3-
- A separating dike; to separate; divide.
- 將3-
- A general; captain.
- 獎3-
- To assist; praise; encourage.
- 傽3-
- Madly; blindly; to fall down.
- 悵3-
- Regret; disappointment.