A Chinese and English vocabulary, in the Tie-chiu dialect/Chiam
- 尖1
- Tapering; pointed; sharp; clever.
- 詹1
- Verbose; to examine into and give directions about.
- 瞻1
- To look up to with reverence.
- 襜1
- A curtain, cover or screen; garments which hang down and cover the knees.
- 贍1
- Plentiful; to give; bestow on the poor.
- 塹-3
- To arrange; spread out in order; ranks; army.
- 暫-3
- A short time; suddenly.
- 漸-3
- Gradually; to moisten; to dye; saturate.
- 占3-
- To prognosticate; divine; cast lots; to usurp.
- 佔3-
- To see; look at; to usurp.
- 趈3-
- To sit or stand still; stiff; dignified.