A Chinese and English vocabulary, in the Tie-chiu dialect/Chiu
- 周1
- To provide for; to perform a circle; to complete; surround; a curve; circle.
- 賙1
- To bestow charity; relieve.
- 週1
- To turn or go around; circulate.
- 州1
- A province; a district.
- 洲1
- An island.
- 舟1
- A boat or vessel; to transfer.
- 輈1
- A certain pole in the fore part of a carriage.
- 酒2
- Wine; spirituous liquor.
- 肘2
- The fore arm; elbow; the muscles of the legs and arms.
- 就-3
- To go to; approach; immediately; then; to complete.
- 咒3-
- To curse; to rail.