A Chinese and English vocabulary, in the Tie-chiu dialect/Hau
- 毫-1豪-1
- A small hair or down; small; very little.
- 豪-1
- Eminent talents and virtue; great superiority; chief.
- 濠-1
- A ditch round a city wall; name of a river and province.
- 昊1
- Appearance of summer; brilliant.
- 鴞1
- Name of a bird, not eatable and of unpleasant note.
- 號1
- The noise of weeping and crying; the roar of a tiger.
- 饕1
- Gluttonous; greedy; rapacious.
- 顥1
- Light and splendor of the sky; vast. numerous; happy.
- 哮2
- Calling out; a loud cry; roar of animals.
- 吼2
- The voice of any animal.
- 唬2
- The roar like a tiger; to intimidate.
- 浩2
- A deluge of water; vast; abundant; overflowing.
- 校-3
- To compare; examine; a public school.
- 傚-3
- To imitate; to regard as a law or rule.
- 候3
- To wait for; to inquire; expect.
- 鱟3
- The king crab.
- 効3
- To apply one's strength in obedience to some order or in imitation of a pattern; to aim.
- 效3
- Like; to learn of; imitate; effort; merit; efficacious.
- 好3-
- To desire.
- 孝3-
- Filial regard, obedience and service from children to parents.