A Chinese and English vocabulary, in the Tie-chiu dialect/Heng
- 刑-1
- Punishment; to punish; a law.
- 型-1
- To mould; a mould; pattern; example.
- 形-1
- Form; figure; bodily shape; that which is visible.
- 恆-1
- Constant; perpetual; unchanging.
- 行-1
- To act; do; perform.
- 興1
- To rise; flourish; prosper; to set up; exalt; high.
- 胸1
- The breast; mind.
- 享1
- Pervading; going through with; success.
- 馨1
- Odors or spices; perfume.
- 悻2
- Anger; vexation; very.
- 幸-3
- Fortunate; lucky; happy.
- 倖-3
- To be unremitting in the pursuit of gain.
- 行-3
- Actions; conduct.
- 杏-3
- A sour plum; an almond tree.