A Chinese and English vocabulary, in the Tie-chiu dialect/Hwang
- 妨-1
- To impede; injure; impediment; injury; subjection.
- 防-1
- A like; boundary; to keep off; guard against; prohibit.
- 皇-1
- A title of dignity applied to heaven and sovereigns; royal.
- 凰-1
- An imaginary bird; ominous of peace.
- 徨-1
- Uncertainty; indecision; going backwards and forwards.
- 惶-1
- Fear; apprehension; alarm.
- 煌-1
- Light; luminous; splendid; a great fire.
- 蝗-1
- A locust.
- 遑-1
- Unoccupied; at leisure; pressed; urged.
- 隍-1
- Empty; a ditch round a city wall.
- 黃-1
- Yellow.
- 潢-1
- A lake; an accumulation of water.
- 璜-1
- A certain stone sceptre, called a half-sceptre.
- 簧-1
- An ancient musical reed.
- 衡-1
- A balance; measure; to weigh or measure; transverse.
- 風1
- Wind; temper; feelings; to diffuse; scatter; haste.
- 方1
- Square; regular; a region or place; then thereupon; connects cause & effect; a medical prescription; to compare.
- 芳1
- Fragrant; agreeable; excellent.
- 髣1
- Like; resembling.
- 𡧽1
- Wide; vacant space; a place to dwell in.
- 慌1
- Confused; forgetful; hurried; agitated.
- 荒1
- Wild; empty; waste; barren; dearth; famine.
- 謊1
- What is spoken in a dream; unreal; false; lying.
- 𩣇1
- A horse running swiftly.
- 肓1
- A certain part of the thorax.
- 封1
- To seal or close any document; a seal; an envelope.
- 坊2
- A street; shop; tavern; to guard against; oppose; an impediment.
- 彷2
- An agitated state; indistinct; doubtful; similar.
- 訪2
- To inquire; examine; consult; ask advice; to see.
- 恍2
- Confused; unsettled; agitated; hurried.
- 放3-
- To reject; send away; let loose; lay down; dissipated; to imitate.
- 倣3-
- To imitate; copy; in imitation of; according to.