A Chinese and English vocabulary, in the Tie-chiu dialect/Iam
- 𥂁-1
- Salt. salted.
- 扊-1
- A bolt of a door.
- 炎-1焰-1
- Flame of fire; hot luminous; glorious.
- 豓-1灔-1
- Handsome; good; large; variegated; self-indulgent; dissipated.
- 奄1
- To cover over a shelter.
- 俺1
- I; me; great.
- 淹1
- To merge or soak in water; to detain; impede.
- 閹1
- Doorkeepers of the royal harem; an eunuch.
- 鵪1
- A quail.
- 饜1
- Satiated; fastidious.
- 弇2
- To screen; shade; obscure.
- 揜2掩2
- To gather together under a shelter; to screen; soothe.
- 偃2
- To case; cause to cease; to lie down; to rest.
- 揠2
- To pluck up; eradicate; to force.
- 厭3-
- To restrain; repress; subject; injure; obedient; iunited.
- 嚈3-
- Satiated; to satisfy; to uncover; to dislike; hate; composed; steady.