A Chinese and English vocabulary, in the Tie-chiu dialect/Im
- 婬-1
- Luxurious ease; lewd; obscene.
- 淫-1
- Excess; sexual excess; lewdness; lustful; to debauch.
- 霪-1
- Long and excessive rains.
- 音-1
- Sound; tone; news.
- 喑-1
- Dumb; unable to speak from grief or weeping.
- 瘖1
- Dumb; a disease which disables from speaking.
- 陰1
- Obscure; the opaque; inferior or female in nature.
- 飮2
- To drink.
- 癊3-
- Disease of the heart or mind.
- 蔭3-
- Shady; to overshadow.