A Chinese and English vocabulary, in the Tie-chiu dialect/Kó
- 歌1
- To sing; recite in a musical tone; play on an instrument.
- 竿1
- A reed; cane; rod; staff; stick of bamboo.
- 哥1
- An elder brother used also by equals to each other.
- 𪃿1
- A goose.
- 膏1
- Fat; lard; greasy; rich food; rich favors.
- 糕1
- A kind of pudding; dumpling; cake; bait.
- 槁2
- Rotten wood; dried fish; a certain medicine.
- 稿2
- Straw; rough sketch of any document; original copy.
- 吿3-
- To inform against; prosecute; to make known.
- 塊3-
- A clod of earth; a lump; a piece.
- 閣4擱4
- A screen before a door; a case or press in which to lay up provisions; a gallery; council chamber.