A Chinese and English vocabulary, in the Tie-chiu dialect/Kʽeng
- 擎-1
- To raise or lift up with the land; to lift high.
- 鯨-1
- A large fish; a sea monster.
- 扃1
- The bar of a door; to bolt a door.
- 兢1
- Attentive; cautious; respectful; anxious; alarm.
- 卿1
- A title conferred on high officers; a prince.
- 筐1
- A basket.
- 硜1
- Noise of stones dashing against each other; mean.
- 肯2
- Willing; pleased.
- 虹-3
- A rainbow.
- 磬3-
- The sound of a sonorous stone; to suspend.
- 罄3-
- Empty; exhausted; to exhaust.
- 慶3-
- To congratulate; good; happy.