A Chinese and English vocabulary, in the Tie-chiu dialect/Kien
- 堅1
- To stablish; strenthen; confirm; solid; firm; determined.
- 慳1
- Sparing; parsimonious.
- 鏗1
- A ringing sound; to strike against.
- 娟1
- Beautiful; pleasing; excellent; sprightly.
- 悁1
- Angry; impetuous; hasty; mournful; anxious; sorry.
- 捐1
- To reject; put away; give up one's own for another.
- 涓1
- A small stream gradually increasing; to choose; purify.
- 建-3
- To establish laws; to erect; build; establish.
- 健-3
- Strong; indefatigable; difficult.
- 蠲-3
- Clear; pure; bright; to illustrate; remit; haste.
- 絹3
- Fine silk; a net.
- 見3-
- To see; observe; seeing; finding that; to manifest; forms the passive of verbs