A Chinese and English vocabulary, in the Tie-chiu dialect/Kiu
- 球-1
- A sonorous stone; a globe; a sphere.
- 毬-1
- A ball to play with; a kind of silk or cloth; staff; lamp.
- 絿-1
- Hurried; pressed; urgent; precipitate.
- 玖2
- A precious stone of inferior value and black color; nine.
- 紏2
- A threefold cord; to combine; head a conspiracy; to examine into; prohibit.
- 赳2
- Possessing talents and strength; martial.
- 晷2
- A dial; a gnomon to show the declination of the sun; a day.
- 柩-3
- A body laid in its coffin.
- 疚-3
- Poor and diseased; chronic disease; perverse.
- 咎-3
- Error; crime; quarrel, to hate wickedness; to judgements of heaven; hate.
- 鼛-3
- A large drum twelve cubits long; to beat a drum.
- 究3-
- To search; device; investigate; to push to the utmost; finally; to hate.
- 救3-
- To assist; protect; rescue; save; to prohibit; prevent.