A Chinese and English vocabulary, in the Tie-chiu dialect/Lu
- 虜-1
- To take alive; take captive as prisoners of war.
- 擄-1
- To take captive; seize; plunder.
- 廬-1
- A cottage; thatch or matt huts; a temporary lodge.
- 𤬛-1
- A species of gourd.
- 蘆-1
- Name of a medicinal plant.
- 顱-1
- The head; forehead; skull.
- 艫-1
- A certain kind of boat; the end of a boat.
- 婁-1
- An excessive number; many; stupid; simple.
- 僂-1
- Curved; distorted; to bend.
- 摟-1
- To draw; drag; pull; embrace.
- 㺏-1
- A sow; female swine.
- 鏤-1
- Hard iron or steel; to engrave; carve.
- 髏-1
- The bones of the head; the calvaria.
- 鹵2
- Salt; salt land; natural salt.
- 𢟧2
- A deceived, perturbed mind; a hurried manner.
- 魯2
- Blunt; stupid; confused; name of a state.
- 櫓2
- A large shield; the large oar or skill in the stern of Chinese boats.
- 屢2
- Many times; reiterated; often.
- 縷2
- Silk thread; thread.
- 賂-3
- To give; to bribe; presents; bribes.
- 輅-3
- A carriage; harness; large; great.
- 鷺-3
- Name of a white water-bird that flies in groups.