A Chinese and English vocabulary, in the Tie-chiu dialect/Lui
- 雷-1
- Thunder; a great noise; to echo.
- 擂-1
- To rub or grind; to pound in a mortar.
- 羸-1
- Lean; thin; meagre; emaciated.
- 鐳1
- A kind of vase.
- 累2
- To heap upon; pile up; bind; involve.
- 縲2
- A black cord; to bind or fasten with a cord.
- 儡2
- To injure; destroy; to injure mutually.
- 壘2
- A military wall; rampart; piled up; hilly.
- 䉪2
- A hand-mill for grinding grain.
- 纍2
- To connect or bind together; concatenate; to implicate.
- 罍2
- A wine vessel with thunder clouds depicted on it.
- 藟2
- Name of a creeping plant.
- 磊2
- A great number of stones or rocks together.
- 誄2
- A eulogy on deceased persons; to eulogize.
- 蕊2
- The central part of a flower; pistils; suspicious.
- 戾-3
- To stop; bend; crooked; perverse; wicked; to extend to.
- 淚-3
- Tears; weeping; to flow rapidly.
- 纍-3
- To implicate; involve; injure.
- 彙-3
- A hedgehog; porcupine.
- 類3-
- A class; species; sort; kind.