A Chinese and English vocabulary, in the Tie-chiu dialect/Mau
- 矛-1
- A kind of sword or spear.
- 茅-1
- Reeds and rushes that grow high.
- 𧍟-1
- An insect that devours grain and the roots of plants.
- 眊-1
- A dull eye; dull; stupid; drunk; old.
- 旄-1
- A kind of banner; a cow's tail used to make signals.
- 耄-1
- Thirty years of age; old.
- 髦-1
- Hair of the head hanging down; make of a horse; a locust.
- 冒-3
- To advance blindfold; rush on heedless of consequences.
- 𡝭-3
- Envious; to dislike; envy.
- 𢛡-3
- Inordinate desire; covetous.
- 貌-3
- External appearance; the air; manner; visage.