A Chinese and English vocabulary, in the Tie-chiu dialect/Pá
- 巴1
- Wilderness; the country in distinction from the city.
- 吧1
- Large mouthed; angry; crying of an infant.
- 爸1
- Aged; an aged person; father.
- 笆1
- A thorny kind of bamboo; a hedge; fence.
- 芭1
- The blossoms and flowers of plants.
- 把2
- To take hold of; grasp; sieze; read pe, a numeral of things taken in the hand.
- 飽2
- Full; having eaten sufficient; satiated.
- 罷-3
- To desist; put a stop to; a final particle; enough; well.
- 覇3-
- To encroach; usurp; use force; compel; a prickly plant.
- 豹3-
- A leopard.