A Chinese and English vocabulary, in the Tie-chiu dialect/Páng
- 房-1
- A dwelling; a house; a room; an office.
- 枋1
- A certain wood fit for making carriages.
- 崩1
- To fall down from a high place; death of the emperor.
- 邦1
- A state; a nation; district.
- 幇1帮1
- To assist; help; an assistant; a second; to bind a shoe.
- 綁2
- To tie; to bind with cords.
- 榜2
- A splinter; the rule by which officers and literati are chosen; a notification.
- 傍-3
- To approach; to lean against; lateral; to stand by the side.
- 搒-3
- To screen; propel a boat; to strike; wrest from.
- 謗-3
- To slander; vilify; to injure one's reputation.
- 放3-
- To let go; send away; drive away; to put; lay down.