A Chinese and English vocabulary, in the Tie-chiu dialect/Pi
- 尼-1
- To pass wind backwards; contempt for a person.
- 琵-1
- To push from; name of a stringed instrument.
- 秕-1
- Blasted grain; tares; chaff or grain not filled.
- 痺-1
- A disease arising from damp.
- 脾-1
- The internal membrane of the stomach; to stop.
- 碑1
- A stone tablet erected at tombs; in temples &c.
- 貔1
- Name of an animal resembling a hog.
- 匕2
- A spoon; a ladle.
- 比2
- To compare; classify; collate; prepare.
- 妣2
- A deceased mother; a female ancestor.
- 彼2
- That person, place, or thing; that; he.
- 偹-3備-3
- Completed; ready; prepared; to prepare; provide.
- 俾-3
- To cause that; to enable; to perform; accord.
- 婢-3
- A female slave.
- 庳-3
- A low cottage; low; short; the nose.
- 裨-3
- To be benefited; to assist; supply what is deficient; to enable.
- 閉-3
- To shut a door; to stop or close up; conceal.
- 枇-3
- A fruit tree; a fine comb.
- 紕-3
- Silk fringes and tassels applied to flags; a series.
- 陛-3
- Stairs; steps; to ascend high.
- 敝-3
- Bad; spoiled; poor; tattered raiment; evil; vice; crime.
- 幣-3
- Silk; wealth; present.
- 蔽-3
- To shade; shelter; conceal; screen; small.
- 斃-3
- To die; dead.
- 被-3
- A sign of the passive verb; is; a covering; to cover over.
- 豼3
- Name of a ferocious animal resembling a tiger.
- 毖3
- Careful; attentive; painstaking; laborious.
- 柲3
- The handle of a spear; a pair; stem of a pencil.
- 泌3
- Water flowing from a spring constantly increasing and widening.
- 避3
- To avoid; shun; retire; from; escape.
- 弊3
- To fall prostate or dead; to kill; wearied; vicious.
- 賁3-
- Glossed over; ornamented; herbage.
- 秘3-
- Mysterious; divine; abstruse; secret.
- 閟3-
- Anything secret; mysterious; careful.
- 庇3-
- Affording shade and shelter; to cover over; protect.
- 詖3-
- Artful debate and litigation; insidious accusation.
- 轡3-
- The rain by which a horse is guided.
- 臂3-
- The arm from the elbow to the wrist.
- 鱉4
- A species of tortoise.