A Chinese and English vocabulary, in the Tie-chiu dialect/Pue
- 賠-1
- To make up a deficiency or loss; to restore; repay.
- 陪-1
- To accompany; attach to; assist; to second.
- 飛1
- To fly; to go or do with speed.
- 杯1盃1
- A wine cup; a drinking cup.
- 倍-3
- To increase double; two-fold; to oppose; low; vicious.
- 焙-3
- To dry by the fire; to hatch eggs by the fire.
- 裴-3
- Long garments or robes.
- 佩-3
- Things attached to the girdle; to attach; to gird.
- 珮-3
- A girdle with precious stones attached to it.
- 狽-3
- An animal of the wolf kind said to be destitute of one or more feet; embarrassed.
- 背-3
- To turn the back upon; to oppose; despise.
- 背3-
- The back.
- 輩3-
- A company; sort; class; series; forms the plural.
- 貝3-
- Pearls; anything valuable and precious.
- 珼3-
- Ornaments of tortoise shell; ornaments inlaid.