A Chinese and English vocabulary, in the Tie-chiu dialect/Pwat
- 孛-4
- Plants shooting up luxuriantly; disobedient.
- 勃-4
- Suddenly; a sudden change of countenance.
- 悖-4
- Unsubmissive to just authority; rebellious; disobedient.
- 愂-4誖-4
- To delude; mislead by artful speeches; rebellion.
- 浡-4
- Suddenly bursting forth; abundant; confused.
- 祓-4
- To drive away calamity and supplicate blessings; to cleanse.
- 跋-4
- To travel through shrubby path; to walk laboriously.
- 鈸-4
- Small bells used in the Budhist worship.
- 拔4
- To pull up; root out.