A Chinese and English vocabulary, in the Tie-chiu dialect/Só
- 唆1
- To chatter; to whisper; sow discord; to misrepresent.
- 梭1
- A weaver's shuttle; name of a wood.
- 疎1
- Coarse; open; remiss; lax; careless.
- 疏1
- Open; wide apart; coarse; to explain.
- 蔬1
- Edible herbs; a species of grain; coarse; poor food.
- 所2
- A place; a thing; a cause or means; that which; what.
- 嫂2
- A brother's wife; another person's wife.
- 瑣2
- Minute; small; petty; troublesome; delicate; continuous.
- 鎖2
- A lock; to lock; to fetter; rings; a chain.
- 䟽3-
- To explain; a statement or explanation sent up to the emperor.
- 䌇4
- A string or cord; to bind; to extort from; extortion.
- 雪4
- Snow.