A Chinese and English vocabulary, in the Tie-chiu dialect/Sⁿie
- 常-1
- Constant; usual; common; frequently; the five virtues.
- 嘗-1
- To taste; assay.
- 償-1
- To pay for; recompence; to revenge; to reply to.
- 傷1
- To wound; injure; grieve; grieved; injured.
- 廂1
- Side apartments; bed-rooms; rooms for females.
- 箱1
- A box; chest; bamboo basket; a store-room.
- 賞2
- To confer; bestow as a largess; to reward; a reward.
- 想-3
- To think; consider; muse; expect; desire; a thought.
- 像3-
- A likeness; image.
- 鞘3-
- A scabbard; image.