A Chinese and English vocabulary, in the Tie-chiu dialect/Seng
- 成-1
- To effect; accomplish; complete; to perfect; to become.
- 誠-1
- Without guile; true; honest; truth; sincerity.
- 承-1丞-1
- To be second to; to help; aid; an assistant; a second.
- 松-1
- The pine or fir tree.
- 升1
- A certain measure about a quart; to accumulate; to ascend; advance.
- 昇1
- To ascend; peaceful; universal tranquility.
- 陞1
- To go up steps; to ascend; advance; be promoted.
- 勝1
- Adequate to; worthy of; to sustain; elevate.
- 牲1
- Domestic animals; victims for sacrifice.
- 猩1
- A species of monkey; an ape.
- 甥1
- A daughter's or sister's children; nephew or niece.
- 旌1
- A banner; to make signals; to cause to know.
- 笙1
- An instrument of music consisting of tubes.
- 眚1
- Something growing over the eye; error; excess; crime; calamity; to diminish.
- 𢜫2
- To arouse or awaken the mind.
- 乘-3
- To ascend or sit upon; seize a good opportunity.
- 盛-3
- Good in the highest degree; flourishing; abundant; full.
- 勝3-
- To surpass; overcome; to win; to be superior to.