A Chinese and English vocabulary, in the Tie-chiu dialect/Sip
- 什-4
- Ten; two files of five persons each; mixed.
- 襲-4
- Double or outer garments; to continue in succession; to invade.
- 拾-4
- To gather together; collect; to inquire about.
- 習-4
- To practice; become accustomed to; repeat over and over; to learn thoroughly.
- 慴-4
- Fearful; timid; cowardly.
- 摺-4
- To fold up; a document folded up; to destroy.
- 熠-4
- Glossy, shining feathers; lustre; effulgence.
- 濕4
- Damp; moist; hurried; depression of spirit.
- 隰4
- Low marshy land; a marsh.