A Chinese and English vocabulary, in the Tie-chiu dialect/Tau
- 投-1
- To throw or cast; to give one's self up to; to dip in water; to confer upon; to suit.
- 骰-1
- A dice-box; also used for the thigh.
- 兜1
- To excite; stir up.
- 斗2
- A certain measure containing 12 catties.
- 抖2
- To shake up; rouse; excite; shake off.
- 找2
- To supply what is deficient; to seek for; to exchange money; a pole to propel a boat.
- 島2
- An island; a rock in the ocean.
- 搗2擣2
- To beat with the hand; to pound down or together.
- 禱2
- To pray; entreat; supplicate of the gods.
- 道-3
- A way; path; a principle; good principles; nature of things; reason.
- 導-3
- To point out the way; lend; direct; teach; rectify.
- 盜-3
- To steal; rob; plunder; robbers.
- 蹈-3
- To tread under feet; tread in the footsteps of; to agitate.
- 稻3
- Grain planted in water; paddy.
- 豆3荳3
- A generic name for pulse, peas, beans &c.
- 痘3
- The small pox; pustules.
- 到3-
- To arrive at; extend to; go or come to; everywhere; entire; complete.