A Chinese and English vocabulary, in the Tie-chiu dialect/Ti
- 遞-1
- To. change; for; instead of; to transmit.
- 池-1
- A pool; pond; receptacle for water.
- 治1
- To put in order; to rule; direct; chastise.
- 蜘1
- A spider.
- 氐1
- Below; low; mean; fundamental; to extend to.
- 低1
- Low; to bend down; droop to hang down.
- 羝1
- A ram; he-goat; buck.
- 底2
- At the bottom or foot of; the bottom; low; only.
- 抵2
- To oppose or stop; to bear opposition; to strike; push away.
- 柢2
- The root of trees or plants.
- 𬒀2
- A grindstone or whet-stone; level; even.
- 祗2
- Only; but; as introducing a qualifying clause.
- 詆2
- To vilify; slander; accuse falsely.
- 觝2
- To push with the horns; to gore; to oppose.
- 弟-3
- A younger brother; degrees; successive steps.
- 娣-3
- A younger sister; a younger brother's wife.
- 悌-3
- Dutiful conduct from a younger towards an older brother.
- 彘-3
- Swine; pigs; a sow.
- 棣-3
- Name of a wood; reiterated; accustomed to; skilled in.
- 隷-3
- To be attached to; attendants; under officers.
- 枤-3
- Name of a wood or shrub.
- 雉-3
- The fowl species; the pheasant.
- 稚-3
- Young; small; late.
- 薙-3
- To eradicate or burn grass and wild herbs.
- 地3
- The earth; a place; the ground; seat of.
- 髢3-
- False hair; a false cue.
- 致3-
- To go or come to; carry to the utmost degree; to lead to; tend to; so that; minute.
- 置3-
- To appoint; establish; to place; put; to purchase.
- 智3-
- Wisdom; general information or science; wise.
- 帝3-
- A ruler; sovereign; emperor.
- 碟-4
- A plate; a bowl.
- 蒂4
- The stem of a plant or fruit; without root; unfounded.
- 滴4
- Water dropping; a drop.