A Chinese and English vocabulary, in the Tie-chiu dialect/U
- 雩-1
- Sacrifices intended to implore rain.
- 樗-1
- Name of a certain wood.
- 娛-1
- Joy; extacy; delight; to exult.
- 于1
- In; through; to; at; great; extensive.
- 吁1
- An interjection denoting disapprobation, concern or grief; to call.
- 旴-1
- Morning; dawn; extending; great.
- 盂1
- A vessel to contain rice, wine, or water.
- 汗1汚1
- Foul; dirty; name of a river.
- 訏1
- False; boasting; great.
- 迂1
- Wide; remote; vague; crooked; depraved; roving.
- 呼1
- To breathe out; call; invoke.
- 杇1
- A vessel for drinking with; large; self-sufficient.
- 嗚1
- Alas! to sigh; lament.
- 鷗1
- A certain water-fowl.
- 於1
- An interjection of grief or surprise; in; to consist in.
- 羽2
- Wings of a bird; feathers; a note of music.
- 禹2
- Name of an ancient Chinese emperor.
- 宇2
- To cover or spread over; the canopy of heaven; wide.
- 有-3
- Is; to be; to possess; existence; affluent; further; more; truly.
- 惡3-
- To hate; loathe.
- 塢3-
- A bank, dike or wall; barracks; a village.