A Chinese and English vocabulary, in the Tie-chiu dialect/Ue
- 鍋1
- An earthen rice pot; a pot for boiling food.
- 劃1
- A style or pointed instrument; to mark; split open.
- 衛-3
- To escort; protect; a military station.
- 話3
- Words; speech; conversation; to talk; to tell.
- 尉3-
- Name of an office; to settle tranquilize.
- 慰3-
- To soothe; console; comfort.
- 蔚3-
- Name of a plant; luxuriant foliage; thick and gloomy.
- 噦3-
- The breath rising; to belch; voice of a bird; wide; light.
- 穢3-
- Vice; filth; unclean; indecent; lewd; to defile.
- 畫3-畵3-
- To mark; draw a line; to paint; draw pictures; to draw plants; device. Jip tone; a line; a mark.