A Compendium of Irish Biography/Authorities

The figures prefixed to the authorities in the following list correspond to the small references throughout the Compendium. The numbers in parentheses indicated the volume, series, or year. Where the number or volume of serial publications was not indicated, reference was implied to the number or volume shortly following the date on which the subject of the notice died.
The 478 authorities may be thus classified: — 100 have been in almost constant requisition; 90 were referred to occasionally; 170 were fully used in single lives; whilst 118 were but slightly referred to in one or two notices, or were simply referred to in their introductions.
The arrangement of this list, put together as the work proceeded, is in many respects imperfect; but once made it was not possible to alter.
1 | Abernethy, John, M.A., Sermons, with Life of the Author. 2 vols. London, 1748. |
2 | Acta Sanctorum Veteris et Majoris Hiberniæ: Joannes Colganus. Louvanii, 1645. |
3 | Actors, Representative: W. Clark Russell. London, 1875. |
3* | Aengus Culdee, St.: Rev. John O'Hanlon. Dublin, 1868. |
Allibone, S. Austin, see No. 16. | |
4 | American Conflict—History of the Great Rebellion: Horace Greeley. 2 vols. Hartford, 1864–'6. |
5 | Anglo-Normans, History of the Invasion of Ireland by the: Gerald H. Supple. Dublin, 1856. |
5‡ | Annals of Our Time: Joseph Irving. London, 1871. |
6 | Annual Biography. London, 1817–'27. |
7 | Annual Register. London, 1756–1877. |
8 | Anthologia Hibernica. 4 vols. Dublin, 1793–'4. |
8† | Antiquities of Ireland: Francis Grose. 2 vols. London, 1791. |
9 | Aran Isles—Papers by Sir William Wilde, (1857); and by G. H. Kinahan, in Science Gossip, 1876. (Pamphlets.) |
10 | Archaeological and Historical Association of Ireland, Journal. Dublin, 1853–'77. |
11 | Archæology, Ulster Journal of. Belfast, 1853–62. |
11† | Armagh, Memoir of the Book of: Rev. William Reeves, D.D. Lusk, 1861. See also No. 45. |
12 | Archbishops of Dublin, Memoirs of: John D'Alton. Dublin, 1838. |
Archdall, Mervyn, see No. 216. | |
13 | Architecture, Ancient, and Practical Geology of Ireland: George Wilkinson. London, 1845. |
14 | Art Journal, The |
14* | Athenæ Oxonienses: Anthony A. Wood, edited by Philip Bliss. 4 vols. London, 1813–'20. |
15 | Athenæum, The—Principally referred to under No. 233. |
16 | Authors, Dictionary of British and American: S. Austin Allibone. 3 vols. Philadelphia, 1869–'71. |
17 | Averell, Rev. Adam, Memoir; Alex. Stewart and George Revington. London, 1849. |
17‡ | Ballingarry, Personal Recollections of: Rev. P. FitzGerald, P.P. Dublin, 1861. (Pamphlet.) |
18 | Balfe, Michael William, Memoir: C. L. Kenney. London, 1875. |
18* | Bancroft, George, History of the United States. 10 vols. Boston, 1862–'74. |
19 | Banim, John, Life. Patrick John Murray. London, 1857. |
20 | Bards, Historical Memoirs of the Irish: Joseph C. Walker. Dublin, 1786. |
21 | Barrington, Sir Jonah. Historic Memoirs of Ireland. 2 vols. London, 1835. |
22 | Barrington, Sir Jonah, Personal Sketches of his own Time: Townsend Young, LL.D. 2 vols. London, 1869. |
23 | Barrington, Sir Jonah, Rise and Fall of the Irish Nation. Paris, 1833. |
24 | Barry, James, R.A., his Life and Writings. 2 vols. London, 1809. |
25 | Barter, Dr., Recollections of the late. Dublin, 1875. (Pamphlet.) |
26 | Bedell, William, Bishop of Kilmore, Life: Bishop Burnet. Dublin, 1736. |
27 | Bedell, Life and Death of Bishop: Thomas W. Jones. (Camden Society) London, 1872. |
28 | Belfast Monthly Magazine. 1808–'14. |
29 | Bellamy, George Anne, Autobiography. 3 vols. Dublin, 1785. |
30 | Beresford, Correspondence of Right Hon. John: Right Hon. William Beresford. 2 vols. London, 1854. |
31 | Berkeley, George, Bishop of Cloyne, Life and Works: Alexander C. Fraser. 4 vols. Oxford, 1871. |
31† | Bibliotheca Britannica: Robert Watt, M.D. 4 vols. Edinburgh, 1824. |
32 | Biographical and Critical Essays: A. Haywood, Q.C. London, 1873. |
33 | Biographical Essays: John Forster. London, 1860. |
34 | Biographie Générale. 46 vols. Paris, 1855–'66. An interleaved copy, copiously noted by the late Dr. Thomas Fisher, Assistant Librarian of Trinity College, Dublin. |
34* | Biography, Dictionary of American: Rev. W. Allen. Boston, 1857. |
34† | Biographie Universelle. 85 vols. Paris, 1811–'62. |
35 | Biographical Dictionary: John Cassell. London, N. D. |
36 | Biographical Dictionary: William R. Cates. London, 1867. |
37 | Biographical Dictionary: Alexander Chalmers. 32 vols. London, 1812–'17. |
37* | Biographical Dictionary—American Biography: Francis S. Drake. Boston, 1876. |
37† | Biographical Dictionary: Lippincott. New York. |
38 | Biographical Dictionary: John Gorton. 3 vols. London, 1833. |
39 | Biographical Dictionary, Imperial: Edited by John F. Waller. 3 vols. London, N. D. |
40 | Biographical Division of English Cyclopædia, with Supplement: Charles Knight. 7 vols. London, 1856–'72. |
40* | Biographical Dictionary—Lossing's Field-book of the American Revolution. 2 vols. 1852. |
40† | Biographical Annals of the Civil Government of the United States: Washington, 1876. |
41 | Biographical Treasury: Samuel Maunder. London, 1870. |
41† | Biography, Hayden's Universal Index of. Edited by J. B. Payne. London, 1870. |
42 | Biographical Dictionary: Rev. Hugh J. Rose. 12 vols. London, 1850. |
42* | Biography, Christian Brothers' Handbook of. Dublin, 1872. (Pamphlet.) See also No. 78*. |
42‡ | Biografico (Diccionario Universal): Don Juan Sala. Madrid, 1862. |
43 | Blackburne, Right Hon. Francis, Life: Edward Blackburne. London, 1874. |
44 | Blessington, Countess of, Life and Correspondence: Richard R. Madden, M.D. 3 vols. London, 1855. |
44* | Bonnell, James, Life: Rev. William Hamilton. London, 1807. |
45 | Book of Armagh, Memoir of the: Rev. William Reeves, D.D. Lusk, 1861. See also No. 11†. |
46 | Boswell's Life of Samuel Johnson; with Notes and Illustrations: Edward Malone. London, 1848. |
46† | Botany, Historical and Biographical Sketches of, in England. Richard Pulteney, M.D. 2 vols. London, 1790. |
46‡ | Boulter, Hugh, Archbishop of Armagh, Letters. 2 vols. Dublin, 1770. |
47 | Boyle, Memoirs of the Illustrious Family of. Dublin, 1755. |
47* | Boyle, State Letters of Roger, Earl of Orrery, with his Life: Rev. Thomas Morrice. Dublin, 1743. |
48 | British Essayists: Edited by A. Chalmers. London, 1823. |
48* | British Biography: S. O. Beeton. 2 vols. London, N D. |
48† | British Museum, Lives of Founders of: Edward Edwards. 2 vols. London, 1870. |
49 | Brooke, Henry, Memoir, prefixed to Fool of Quality: Edited by Rev. Charles Kingsley. 2 vols. London, 1859. |
50 | Brooke, Charlotte: Reliques of Irish Poetry. Dublin, 1789. |
50* | Buckle, Henry Thomas: Introduction to the History of Civilization in England. 2 vols. London, 1857. |
51 | Bulwer-Lytton, Sir E. G.: Poetical and Dramatic Works. 5 vols. London, 1852–'54. |
52 | Burke, Sir Bernard: Dormant, Abeyant, Forfeited, and Extinct Peerages. London, 1866. |
52† | Burke, Sir Bernard: Family Romance. London, 1855. |
53 | Burke, Sir Bernard: Landed Gentry. 2 vols. London, 1871. |
54 | Burke, Sir Bernard: Peerage and Baronetage. |
55 | Burke, Sir Bernard: Rise of Great Families. London, 1872. |
56 | Burke, Sir Bernard: Romance of the Aristocracy. 3 vols. London, 1855. |
57 | Burke, Sir Bernard: Vicissitudes of Families. 2 vols. London, 1869. |
58 | Burke, Sir Bernard: Visitation of Seats and Arms. 2 vols. London, 1855. |
59 | Burke, Edmund, a Historical Study: John Morley, B.A. London, 1867. |
60 | Burke, Edmund, a Lecture: Sir Joseph Napier. Dublin, 1867. |
61 | Burke, Edmund, Memoir: James Prior. London, 1824. |
62 | Burke, Robert O'Hara, and the Australian Exploring Expedition of 1860: Andrew Jackson. London, 1862. |
62* | Burnet, Bishop: History of his own Time. 6 vols. Oxford, 1833. |
63 | Burrowes, Peter, Select Speeches, and Memoir: W. Burrowes. Dublin, 1850. |
64 | Butlers, Some Account of the Family of. London, 1716. |
64* | Butler, Very Rev. Richard: Memoir by his Widow. N. P. 1863. |
65 | Byrne, Myles: Autobiography. 3 vols. Paris, 1863. |
66 | Calamities and Quarrels of Authors: Isaac Disraeli. London, 1859. See also No. 103*. |
66* | Cambrensis Eversus, Edited with Translation and notes by Rev. Matthew Kelly. 3 vols. Dublin, 1848–'52. |
67 | Canning, Right Hon. George: Memoir and Speeches, R. Therry. 6 vols. London, 1836. |
68 | Capel, Letters of Arthur, Earl of Essex, with Historical Account of his Life. Dublin, 1770. |
69 | Carew Manuscripts, Calendar. 4 vols. London, 1869–'73. |
70 | Carew, Sir Peter, Life and Times of: John Maclean. London, 1857. Carte, Thomas A., see No. 271. |
71 | Castlehaven, Earl of, Memoirs. Waterford, 1753. |
72 | Castlereagh, Viscount: Memoirs and Correspondence, edited by the Marquis of Londonderry. 12 vols. London, 1848–'53. |
72† | Castlereagh, Lives of Lord, and Sir Charles Stewart: Sir Archibald Alison. 3 vols. London, 1861. See also No. 216*. |
73 | Catholic Association of Ireland: Thomas Wyse. 2 vols. London, 1829. |
73* | Said reference does not exist, possible error in reference to Authorities. (Wikisource contributor note)
74 | Catholic Faith in Ireland, Memorials of those who Suffered for: Myles O'Reilly. London, 1868. |
75 | Catholicæ Iberniæ, Historiæ: D. P. O'Sullevano Bearro: Edidit Matthaeus Kelly. Dublinii, 1850. |
76 | Chancellors of Ireland, and Keepers of the Great Seal: J. Roderick O'Flaherty. 2 vols. London, 1870. |
77 | Charlemont, Earl of, Life: Francis Hardy. 2 vols. London, 1812. |
78 | Chichester, Sir Arthur, Memoirs: Sir Faithful Fortescue; Edited by Lord Clermont. London, 1858. |
78* | Christian Brothers' Handbook of Biography. Dublin. (Pamphlet.) See also No. 42. |
78† | Chili, Travels in: Peter Schmidtmeyer. London, 1822. |
79 | Church History, Collections in Irish: Rev. Laurence F. Renehan. Dublin, 1861. |
80 | Clarendon, Earl of: History of the Rebellion and Civil Wars. 8 vols. Oxford, 1826. |
81 | Clarke, Rev. Adam, Life: Rev. J. B. B. Clarke. 3 vols. London, 1833. |
82 | Cloncurry, Valentine, Lord: Personal Recollections. Dublin, 1849. |
83 | Clyn and Dowling's Annals of Ireland: Edited by the Very Rev. Richard Butler. (I. A. S.) Dublin, 1849. |
84 | Colby, Major-General, Memoir: Lieutenant-Colonel J. E. Portlock. London, 1869. |
Colgan, John, see No. 2. | |
85 | Columba, St., Adamnan's Life of: Edited by Rev. William Reeves, D.D. (I. A. S.) Dublin, 1857. |
85* | Colton, Archbishop: Visitation of the Diocese of Derry, A.D. 1397; Edited by Rev. William Reeves, D.D. (I. A. S.) Dublin, 1850. |
85† | Confederation of Kilkenny: Rev. C. P. Meehan. Dublin, 1846. |
86 | Contemporains, Dictionnaire Universel des: G. Vapereau. Paris, 1870. |
86* | Cooke, Life and Times of Rev. Henry: J. S. Porter, D.D. London, 1871. |
87 | Cornwallis, Marquis, Correspondence: Charles Ross. 3 vols. London, 1859. |
Cotton, Rev. Henry, see No. 118. | |
88 | Cox, Watty: Irish Monthly Magazine. 8 vols. Dublin, 1808–'15 |
88* | Croker, John Wilson, Memoir in Quarterly Review, July 1876. (Pamphlet.) |
89 | Croker, Thomas Crofton, Memoir prefixed to Fairy Legends and Traditions of the South of Ireland: T. F. D. Croker. London, 1862. |
90 | Crolly, Life of the Rev. Dr., Archbishop of Armagh: Rev. G. Crolly. Dublin, 1851. |
91 | Cromwell in Ireland, Series of Articles in The Irish Monthly. February to August, 1875. (Pamphlets.) |
92 | Cromwell, Oliver, Letters and Speeches: Thomas Carlyle. 3 vols. London, 1857. |
93 | Cromwellian Settlement of Ireland: John P. Prendergast. London, 1870. |
93* | Culdees: Rev. William Reeves, D.D, In Proceedings Royal Irish Academy, 1873. |
94 | Curran, John Philpot, Life: William H. Curran. 2 vols. London, 1819. |
95 | Curran, John P., Speeches, with Memoir and Historical Notices: Thomas Davis, Dublin, 1845. |
96 | Curran and his Contemporaries: Charles Phillips. Edinburgh, 1850. |
96* | Curry, John: Review of the Civil Wars in Ireland. Dublin, 1793. |
96† | Cyclopædia, American. New York, 1873–'4. |
97 | Cyclopædia, Penny, with Supplement. 29 vols. London, 1833. |
D'Alton, John, see Nos. 12, 117*, 197†. | |
98 | Delany, Mrs., Autobiography and Correspondence. 6 vols. London, 1861–'62. |
98* | De Quincey, Thomas: Autobiographical Sketches. Edinburgh, 1853. |
99 | Dermody, Thomas, Memoirs: James G. Raymond. 2 vols. London, 1806. |
100 | Desmond, Geraldines, Earls of. Translated from the Latin of Rosario O'Daly: Rev. C. P. Meehan. Dublin, 1847, |
101 | Desmond, Old Countess of: Richard Sainthill. 2 vols. Dublin, 1861–'3. |
101* | Dublin Review, 1836–'77. See also No. 115*. |
102 | Devereux, Earls of Essex; Lives and Letters: Walter B. Devereux, 2 vols. London, 1853. |
103 | Dickinson, Most Rev. Charles, Bishop of Meath, Remains of: Rev. John West, D.D. London, 1845. |
103* | Disraeli, Isaac: Calamities and Quarrels of Authors. London, 1859. See also No. 66. |
104 | Dignities, Book of: Joseph Hayden. London, 1851. |
104* | Disputatio Apologetica. [Connor O'Mahony.] 1645. Dublin reprint, 1826. |
104† | Directories, Dublin, from 1743. |
105 | Dodwell, Henry, Life, with Account of his Works: Francis Brokesby. 2 vols. London, 1815. |
105* | Donlevy, Andrew, D.D., Irish-English Catechism. Dublin, 1848. |
106 | Doyle, Most Rev. J. W., Bishop of Kildare and Leighlin: William J. FitzPatrick, Dublin, 1861. |
Drake, Francis S., see No. 37*. | |
107 | Dramatica, Biographia: Baker, Reed, and Jones. London, 1812. |
108 | Dress, Armour, and Weapons of the Ancient Irish: Joseph C. Walker. Dublin, 1788. |
109 | Drummond, Thomas, Memoirs: John F. McLennan. Edinburgh, 1867. |
109† | Drummond, Rev. W. H., Sermons of the late, with Memoir: Rev. J. Scott Porter. London, 1867. |
110 | Dublin, History of the City: John T. Gilbert. 3 vols. Dublin, 1854–'9. |
110* | Dublin, History and Antiquities of the City: Walter Harris. London, 1766. |
110† | Dublin, History of, by Whitelaw, Warburton, and Walsh. 2 vols. London, 1818. |
111 | Dublin, Irwin's Descriptive Guide to. Dublin, 1853. |
112 | Dublin and London Magazine, 4 vols. London, 1825–'8. |
113 | Dublin, its History, Antiquities, and Objects of Public Interest: T. D. Sullivan. Dublin. [1875] |
114 | Dublin Penny Journal. 4 vols, Dublin, 1832–'36. |
115 | Dublin Quarterly Journal of Medical Science. Dublin, 1846–'77. |
115† | Dublin Review, 1836–'77. See also No. 101* |
116 | Dublin University Magazine. Dublin, 1833–'77. |
117 | Dun, Sir Patrick, Memoir: T. W. Belcher, M.D. Dublin, 1865. |
117* | Dundalk, History of: John D'Alton and J. R. O'Flanagan. Dublin, 1864. |
118 | Ecclesiæ Hiberniæ Fasti: Rev. Henry Cotton: Indices by John R. Garstin, M.A, 5 vols. Dublin, 1851–'60. |
119 | Ecclesiastical History of Ireland: Rev. John Lanigan. 4 vols. Dublin, 1822. |
120 | Edgeworth, Richard Lovell: Memoirs, begun by himself and concluded by Maria Edgeworth. 2 vols. London, 1820. |
121 | Edgeworth de Firmont, Mémoires de M. l'Abbé: C. Sneyd Edgeworth. Paris, 1815. |
121† | Edinburgh Review, The. |
122 | Edmundson, William: Life, Travels, Sufferings, and Labours. Dublin, 1715. |
123 | Emancipation Act: in Statutes of the United Kingdom for 1829. Included in No. 314. |
124 | Encyclopaedia Britannica. London, 1860. |
125 | Encyclopædia Britannica, 9th edition; as far as published. |
125* | Encyclopædia, Chambers's. 10 vols. London, 1860–'8. |
125† | Encyclopædia of Chronology: Woodward and Gates. London, 1871. |
125‡ | Endowed Schools, Ireland, Commission Report Dublin, 1858. |
126 | England, Popular History. Charles Knight. 8 vols. 1856–'62. |
127 | English Stage, Annals of the: Dr. Doran, F.S.A. 2 vols. London, 1864. |
127† | Evelyn, John, Diary: Edited by William Bray. 2 vols. London, 1819. |
128 | Englishwomen, The Book of Noble: Charles Bruce. London, 1875. |
128* | Exshaw's London Magazine, 1732–'93. |
128† | Episcopal Succession in England, Scotland, and Ireland, from A.D. 1400 to 1875: W. Maziere Brady. 3 vols. Rome, 1877. |
129 | Famine of 1847: Rev. J. O'Rourke. Dublin, 1875. |
129* | Families, Tales of our Great: Edward Walford. London, 1877. See also No. 229. |
130 | Fenian Heroes and Martyrs ; John Savage. Boston, 1868. |
131 | FitzGerald, George Robert, Life and Times. Dublin, 1852. |
132 | FitzGerald, Lord Edward, Life: Thomas Moore. 2 vols. London, 1831. |
FitzPatrick, Dr. W. J., see Nos. 106, 184, 208, 301. | |
133 | Flood, Right Hon. Henry, Memoirs and Correspondence: Warden Flood. Dublin, 1838. |
134 | Four Masters, Annals of Ireland by the: Translated and Edited by John O'Donovan. 7 vols. Dublin, 1856. |
135 | Four Masters, Annals of the: Translated by Owen Connellan. Dublin, 1846. |
136 | Francis, Sir Philip, Memoirs: Joseph Parkes and Herman Merivale, M.A. 2 vols. London, 1867. |
137 | Friends, Biographical Notices of Irish: Mary Leadbeater. London, 1823. |
138 | Friend's Central Relief Committee: Transactions during the Famine in Ireland 1846–'7. Dublin, 1852. |
139 | Froissart, Sir John, Chronicles. 2 vols. London, 1844. |
140 | Froude, James A.: History of England, from the Fall of Wolsey to the death of Elizabeth. 12 vols. London, 1862–'70. |
141 | Froude, James A.: The English in Ireland in the Eighteenth Century. 3 vols. London, 1872–'4. |
142 | Froude, James A., Reply to the Falsification of History by: John Mitchel. [Glasgow, 1873.] (Pamphlet.) |
143 | Gabhra, Battle of: Translated and Edited by Nicholas O'Kearney. Dublin, 1853. |
144 | Gaedhil with the Gaill, Wars of the, or the Invasions of Ireland by the Danes: Rev. James H. Todd, D.D. (Master of the Rolls Series.) London, 1867. |
145 | Gandon, James, Life: Thomas J. Mulvany. Dublin, 1846. |
146 | Gentleman's Magazine. London, 1731–1868 |
Gilbert, John T., see Nos. 110, 335 | |
147 | Geraldine Documents: Edited by Rev. James Graves: in Journal of the Archæological Association of Ireland, October, 1869. |
147† | Gillespie, Major-General Sir Robert R., Memoir. London, 1816. |
148 | Giraldus Cambrensis: Topography, and History of the Conquest in Ireland: Forester and Wright. London, 1863. |
148* | Giraldi Cambrensis Opera. (Master of the Roll's Series.) vol. v. London, 1867. |
149 | Goldsmith, Oliver, Life and Adventures: John Forster. London, 1848. |
150 | Grace, Memoirs of the Family of: Sheffield Grace. London, 1823. |
151 | Graduates of the University of Dublin, to 6th December 1868: Rev. James H. Todd, D.D. Dublin, 1869. |
152 | Grafton, Richard: Chronicle of the History England. 2 vols. London, 1809. |
153 | Granard, Earls of, Memoirs: Edited by the Earl of Granard. London, 1868. |
154 | Grattan Henry, his Life and Times: Henry Grattan. 5 vols. London, 1839–'46. |
155 | Graves, Rev. James: History of the Cathedral Church of St. Canice, Kilkenny. Dublin, 1857. |
Graves, Rev. James:, see also No. 147. | |
156 | Griffin, Gerald, Life: by his Brother. London, 1842. |
Grose, Francis, see No. 8†. | |
157 | Hamilton Manuscripts: Edited by T. K. Lowry, LL.D. Belfast, 1867.
158 | Hansard's Parliamentary Debates. |
Hardiman, James, see Nos. 188, 346. | |
Harris, Walter, see Nos. 110*, 160†, 339, 347†. | |
159 | Harvey, William Henry, M.D., Memoirs. London, 1869. |
159* | Hayes, Edward: Ballads of Ireland. 2 vols. Dublin, N.D. |
159† | Haughton, James, Memoir by his Son. Dublin, 1876. |
Haverty, Martin, see No. 170*. | |
160 | Hiberniæ, Liber Munerum Publicorum, ab an. 1152 usque ad 1827. [Rowley Lascelles.] 2 vols. London, 1824. |
160† | Hibernica, or some Antient Pieces relating to Ireland: Walter Harris. Dublin, 1770. |
161 | Hibernica Desiderata Curiosa: [John Lodge.] Dublin, 1772. |
162 | Highwaymen and Rapparees: Dublin, N D. (Pamphlet.) |
163 | Hogan, John, Memoir in Irish Monthly, July, 1874. (Pamphlet.) |
164 | Holinshed, Ralph: Chronicles. 6 vols. London, 1807–'8. |
165 | Holt, Joseph, Memoirs: Edited by Thomas C. Croker. 2 vols. London, 1838. |
166 | Huguenots in England and Ireland: Samuel Smiles. London, 1867. |
167 | Humourists of the Eighteenth Century: William M. Thackeray. London, 1853. |
167† | Hutcheson, Francis: System of Moral Philosophy. 2 vols. London, 1755. |
168 | India, British, History of: James Mill. 3 vols. London, 1817. |
169 | India, History of: John C. Marshman. 3 vols. London, 1867. |
169† | Indian Officers, Lives of: John W. Kaye, F.R.S. London, 1867. |
170 | Ireland, History of: Richard Cox. London, 1869. |
170* | Ireland, History of: Martin Haverty. Dublin, 1860. |
170† | Ireland, History of: William Crawford. 2 vols. Strabane, 1783. |
171 | Ireland, History of, from the earliest period to the English Invasion: Rev. Geoffrey Keating: Translated from the Irish, and Noted by John O'Mahony. New York, 1857. |
172 | Ireland, History of, from the Invasion of Henry II. [to the treaty of Limerick]. By Rev. Thomas Leland, D.D. 3 vols. Dublin, 1773. |
173 | Ireland, History of, from the Treaty of Limerick to the Present Time. John Mitchel. 2 vols. Dublin, 1869. |
173* | Ireland, History of, from the Union to October 1811: Francis Plowden. 3 vols. Dublin, 1813. |
173‡ | Ireland, History of, from its Invasion under Henry, to the Union. Francis Plowden. 3 vols. London, 1805. |
173† | Ireland, History of, to the close of the Twelfth Century: Sylvester O'Halloran. 3 vols. London, 1778. |
174 | Ireland, History of. Lectures on the: Alexander G. Richey. 2 vols. Dublin, 1869–'70. |
175 | Ireland, History of: Samuel Smiles, M.D. [the Invasion to 1829]. London, 1844. |
176 | Ireland, Story of: Alexander M. Sullivan. Dublin, 1868. |
176* | Ireland, History of: Rev. Ferdinando Warner. London, 1763. |
176† | Ireland, History of the Rebellion and Civil War in [1641–'60.] London, 1767. |
177 | Ireland and her Agitators: W. J. O'Neill Daunt. Dublin, 1867. |
178 | Ireland, Conditions and Prospects of: Jonathan Pim. Dublin, 1848. |
179 | Ireland before the Conquest: M. C. Ferguson. London, 1868. |
180 | Ireland, Murray's Hand-Book. London, 1866. |
181 | Ireland Sixty Years Ago. Dublin, 1851. |
182 | Ireland, The Stranger in, in 1805: John Carr. London, 1806. |
183 | Ireland, Tracts and Treatises concerning: Edited by Alexander Thom. 2 vols. Dublin, 1860–'1. |
184 | Ireland before the Union: William J. FitzPatrick, LL.D. Dublin, 1870. |
184‡ | Irish Architecture, Notes on: Earl of Dunraven; Edited by Margaret Stokes. 2 vols. London, 1875–'7. |
185 | Irish Bar Sketches: W. H. Curran. 2 vols. London, 1855. |
186 | Irish Brigades in the Service of France: John C. O'Callaghan. Glasgow, 1870. |
186* | Irish Nation, Military History of the: Matthew O'Conor. Dublin, 1845. |
186‡ | Irish Church History: Richard Mant, Bishop of Down and Connor. 2 vols. London, 1840. |
187 | Irish History and Irish Character: Goldwin Smith. Oxford, 1862. |
188 | Irish Minstrelsy: James Hardiman. 2 vols. London, 1831. |
188* | Irish Histories, Ancient—Spencer, Campion, Hanmer and Marleburrough. 2 vols. Dublin, 1809. See also No. 310. |
189 | Irish Parliamentary Debates. |
190 | Irish Penny Journal. Dublin, 1840–'1. |
190† | Irish Quarterly Review. Dublin, 1851–'9. |
190‡ | Irish Monthly Magazine. Dublin, 1873–'7. |
191 | Irish Political Characters of the Present Day. London, 1799. |
192 | Irish Saints, Life of the: Rev. John O'Hanlon, vol. i. Dublin, N.D. |
192* | Irish Settlers in America: Thomas D'Arcy McGee. Boston, 1855. |
193 | Irish Stage, Historical View of the: Robert Hitchcock. Dublin, 1788. |
193* | Irish Topography — Census List of Townlands, Parishes, and Baronies. Dublin, 1861. |
194 | Irish Writers to 1750; Edward O'Reilly. Dublin, 1820. |
195 | Irish Writers of the Seventeenth Century: Thomas D'Arcy McGee. Dublin, 1846. |
196 | Irishmen, Lives of Illustrious and Distinguished, Rev. James Wills, D.D. 6 vols. or 12 parts. Dublin, 1840–'7. |
196* | Irishwomen, Illustrious: E. Owens Blackburne. 2 vols. London, 1877. |
197 | James II., Memoirs of, writ by his own hand: Edited by Rev. J. S. Clarke. 2 vols. London, 1816. |
197* | James II.—Tracts relating to his reign in Ireland, Library. [V. kk. 38, in Library in Trinity College, Dublin.] |
197† | James II.—Irish Army List: John D'Alton. 2 vols. London, 1861. |
198 | Johnson's English Poets: Edited by Alexander Chalmers. 21 vols. London, 1810. |
198† | Johnson's, Samuel, Journey in the Western Islands of Scotland. London, 1775. |
199 | Jordan, Mrs., Memoirs: James Boaden. 2 vols. London, 1831. |
200 | Joyce, Patrick W., LL.D.: Irish Names of Places. Two Series. Dublin, 1869–'75. |
201 | Junius, Handwriting of. Professionally investigated: Charles Chabot. London, 1871. |
Keating, Rev. Geoffrey, see No. 171. | |
201* | King, William, Archbishop of Dublin: The State of the Protestants of Ireland under the late King James's Government. London, 1691. See also No. 290. |
201† | King, Archbishop, Answer to a Book of, intituled. The State of the Protestants of Ireland. [[[author:Charles Leslie|Charles Leslie]], M.A.] London, 1692. |
202 | Kildare, The Earls of, and their Ancestors: from 1057 to 1773, with Supplement: Marquis of Kildare. 2 vols. Dublin, 1858–'62. |
203 | Killala, Narrative of what passed at, in the Summer of 1798: an Eyewitness. [Bishop Stock.] Dublin, 1800. |
204 | Kirwan, Walter Blake, Dean of Killala: Sermons, with a Sketch of his Life. London, 1816. |
205 | Kirwan, Francis, Bishop of Killala. Translated by Rev. C. P. Meehan. Dublin, 1848. |
206 | Knox's, Alexander, Remains. 4 vols. London, 1834–'7. |
206† | Knox, Alexander: Political Circumstances of Ireland. Dublin, 1798. |
207 | Kyteler, Narrative of Proceedings against Dame Alice: Thomas Wright, F.S.A. (Camden Society.) London, 1843. |
208 | Lanigan, Dr., and Irish Wits and Worthies: William J. FitzPatrick, LL.D. Dublin, 1873. |
Lanigan, Rev. John, see No. 119. | |
209 | LaTouche, James D., Sketch of: Rev. William Urwick, D.D. Dublin, 1868. |
209* | Lawrence, Sir Henry, Life: Sir H. B. Edwardes, and Herman Merivale. 2 vols. London, 1872. |
210 | Lays of the Western Gael: Samuel Ferguson. London, 1865. |
211 | Leadbeater Papers: Annals of Ballytore, by Mary Leadbeater: Memoir of Author: Letters of Burke, Mrs. R. Trench, George Crabbe. 2 vols. London, 1862. |
212 | Leaders of Public Opinion in Ireland—Swift, Flood, Grattan, and O'Connell: William E. H. Lecky. First and Second Editions. London, 1861–'71. |
Lecky, William E. H., see No. 212. | |
213 | Lefroy, Chief Justice, Memoir: Thomas Lefroy. Dublin, 1871. |
214 | Leland, Thomas, D.D., Sermons, with Memoir prefixed. 3 vols. Dublin, 1788. |
Leland, Thomas, D.D., see No. 172. | |
215 | Limerick, Its History and Antiquities: Maurice Lenihan. Dublin, 1866. |
Lodge, John, see also No. 161. | |
216 | Lodge's Peerage of Ireland, Revised and Enlarged by Mervyn Archdall. 7 vols. Dublin, 1789. |
216* | Londonderry, Marquesses of—Lives of Lord Castlereagh, and Sir Charles Stewart. 3 vols. London, 1861. See also No. 72†. |
216† | Logan, James , Memoirs of: Wilson Armistead. London, 1851. |
217 | Londonderry, Ordnance Survey of the County. Dublin, 1837. |
217* | Londonderry, Siege and History of: James Hempton. Londonderry, 1861. |
217† | Derry and Enniskillen in 1688–'9: Thomas Witherow. Belfast, 1873. |
217‡ | Lords, House of, Cases in. |
218 | Lover, Samuel, Life: Bayle Bernard. 2 vols. London, 1874. |
219 | Lowndes' Bibliographer's Manual of English Literature. 11 parts. Henry G. Bohn. London, 1857–'64. |
219* | Ludlow, Edmund, Memoirs. 3 vols. Vevay, 1698–'9. |
220 | Lysaght, Edward, Poems and Memoir, Dublin, 1811. |
221 | Macartney, Earl, Life and Selections from his Writings: Sir John Barron. 2 vols. London, 1807. |
222 | MacCarthy Mor, Memoirs: Daniel MacCarthy. London, 1867. |
223 | Macaulay, Lord: History of England, from the Accession of James II. [to 1702]. 5 vols. London, 1849–'61. |
223* | McAuley, Life of Rev. Mother Catherine: Very Rev. R. B. O'Brien, D.D. Dublin, 1864. |
224 | MacDonnells of Antrim, Historical Account: Rev. George Hill. Belfast, 1873. |
225 | MacFirbis, Remarks on the book of: George Petrie. Dublin, 1838. |
226 | McGee, Thomas D'Arcy, Poems, with Introduction and Biographical Sketch: Mrs. John Sadleir. New York, 1869. |
McGee, Thomas D'Arcy, see Nos. 192*, 195, 229. | |
226* | McClintock, Captain: Voyage of the Fox in the Arctic Seas. London, 1859. |
227 | Maclise, Daniel, R.A., Memoir: W. J. O'Driscoll. London, 1871. |
227* | Macmahon, Marshal, Life. Dublin, 1859. (Pamphlet.) |
228 | McClure, Captain Robert L.: Discovery of the North-West Passage: Edited by Capt. S. Osborn. London, 1856. |
229 | MacMurrogh, Life and Conquests of Art: Thomas D'Arcy McGee. Dublin, 1847. |
229* | Memoirs of our Great Families: Edward Walford. London, 1877. See also No. 129*. |
229† | McSkimin, Samuel: History and Antiquities of Carrickfergus. Belfast, 1811.
229‡ | MacGregor, John, Memoir by his Son. Dublin, 1840. |
Madden, Dr. Robert R., see Nos. 44, 328, 329, 330, 331. | |
230 | Mahony, Rev. Francis—Last Reliques of Father Prout: Blanchard Jerrold. London, 1876. |
231 | Malone, Edmund, Life: Sir James Prior. London, 1860. |
232 | Mangan, James Clarence, Memoir and Works: John Mitchel. New York, 1869. |
233 | Manuscript and Special Information, and Current Periodicals. |
233+ | Maranus and Anianus, SS. in Royal Irish Academy Proceedings: Rev. W. Reeves, D.D. 1863. |
234 | Martyrology of Donegal: Edited by J. H. Todd, D.D., and William Reeves, D.D. (I.A.S.) Dublin, 1864. |
235 | Martyrology of Tallaght, with Notices of of the Patron Saints of Ireland: Rev. Matthew Kelly, D.D. Dublin, 1857. |
236 | Mathew, Rev. Theobald, Biography: John F. Maguire. London, 1863. |
237 | Maxwell, William H., Rebellion of 1798. London, 1845. |
238 | Mayo, Earl of, Life: W. W. Hunter, B.A. 2 vols. London, 1875. |
239 | Meagher, Life of Brigadier-General Thomas Francis: W. F. Lyons. Glasgow, 1869. |
240 | Medica, Biographia: Benjamin Hutchinson. 2 vols. London, 1799. |
241 | Meehan, Rev. C. P., see No. 85*, 100, 205, 269. |
241 | Men of the Time. London, 1856–'75. |
241† | Miller, George, D.D., Philosophy of History. 4 vols. London, 1848–'9. |
242 | Military Operations Ireland, in August 1798. Dublin, 1799. (Pamphlet.) |
Mitchel, John, see Nos. 142, 173, 232, 269*. | |
243 | Montgomery Manuscripts: Edited by Rev. George Hill. Belfast, 1869. |
243† | Montgomery, Rev. Henry, Sermons on death of: Rev. C. J. Macalester; Belfast, 1866. Christian Unitarian, January, 1866. (Pamphlets.) |
244 | Moore, Thomas, Memoir, Journal and Correspondence: Lord John Russell. 8 vols. London, 1850–'6. |
245 | Moore Thomas, Memoirs: Henry R. Montgomery. London, 1865. |
Moore, Thomas, see Nos. 132, 307. | |
246 | Morgan, Lady, Autobiography. 2 vols. London, 1862. |
247 | Moryson, Fynes: Itinerary. London, 1617. |
248 | Murphy, Arthur, Life: Jesse Foot. London, 1811. |
249 | Musgrave, Sir Richard: Memoirs of the Different Rebellions in Ireland. Dublin, 1801. |
250 | Musiciens, Biographie Universelle des: F. J. Fetis. 8 vols. Paris, 1860–'5. |
250* | Napier, General Sir William, Life: H. A. Bruce. 2 vols. London, 1864. |
251 | Napoleon at St. Helena: William Forsyth. 2 vols. London, 1853. |
252 | National Portrait Exhibition Catalogue. Dublin, 1872. (Pamphlet.) |
253 | Naval, Biographical Dictionary of Living, Officers: William R. O'Byrne. London, 1849. |
253† | Nennius, Irish Version of the Historia Britonum: Edited by Rev. James H. Todd, D.D. (I.A.S.) Dublin, 1848. |
254 | Notes and Queries. London, 1850–'78. |
O'Callaghan, John C., see No. 186. | |
255 | O'Connell, Daniel, Life and Times: M. F. Cusack. Kenmare, 1872. |
256 | O'Connell, Daniel, Life and Speeches: John O'Connell, M.P. 2 vols. Dublin, 1846. |
257 | O'Connell, Daniel, Life: Rev. John O'Rourke. Dublin, 1875. |
258 | O'Connors, Kings of Connaught, and their Descendants: Roderic O'Connor. Dublin, 1861. |
259 | O'Curry, Eugene, Memoir in Irish Monthly, April, 1874. (Pamphlet.) |
260 | O'Curry, Eugene: Manuscript Materials of Ancient Irish History. Dublin, 1861. |
261 | O'Curry, Eugene: Ancient Irish Manners and Customs: Edited by W. K. Sullivan, Ph.D. 3 vols. London, 1873. |
262 | O'Brien, Bishop, Memoir: Rev. W. G. Carroll. Dublin, 1874. |
263 | O'Briens, Historical Memoir of the: John O'Donoghue. Dublin, 1860. |
263† | O'Daly, Aengus: Tribes of Ireland. Dublin, 1852. |
264 | O'Dubhagain and O'Huidhrin: Topographical Poems: Edited by John O'Donovan, LL.D. (I.A.S.) Dublin, 1862. |
O'Donovan, John, see Nos. 134, 264. | |
O'Halloran, Sylvester, see No. 173†. | |
265 | O'Leary, Rev. Arthur, Life and Writings: Rev. M. B. Buckley. Dublin, 1868. |
O'Hanlon, Rev. J., see Nos. 3*, 192, 267, 274 | |
266 | Ollamh Fodhia—Discovery of his Tomb: E. A. Conwell. Dublin, 1873. |
267 | O'Morgair, Life of St. Malachy: Rev. John O'Hanlon. Dublin, 1859. |
268 | O'Neill, Owen Roe, Memoir of: in the Ulster Journal of Archæology, vol. iv. |
Belfast, 1856. | |
269 | O'Neill, Hugh, Earl of Tyrone, and O'Donel Earl of Tyrconnell, their Flight from Ireland, and their Death in Exile: Rev. C. P. Meehan. Dublin. 1868. |
269* | O'Neill, Aodh, Life of: John Mitchel. Dublin, 1845. |
270 | Ordnance Survey of Ireland, Inch Maps. |
271 | Ormond, Duke of. Life 1610–'88: Thomas A. Carte, M. A. 6 vols. Oxford, 1851. |
271* | Ormond, Life of James, Second Duke of. London, 1747. |
272 | Ossian and the Clyde: P. Hately Waddell, LL.D. Glasgow, 1875. |
272* | Ossianic Society Transactions for 1855. Dublin, 1857. |
273 | O'Sullivan, Rev. Samuel, D.D., Remains. 2 vols. Dublin, 1853. |
O'Sullivan, Beare, see No. 75}}. | |
274 | O'Toole, St. Laurence, Life: Rev. John O'Hanlon. Dublin, 1857. |
274† | Ouseley, Gideon, Memoirs. London, 1876. |
275 | Pacata Hibernia: Thomas Stafford. London, 1633. |
276 | Painters, General Dictionary of: Matthew Pilkington, A.M. 2 vols. London, 1824. |
277 | Painters and Engravers, Dictionary of: Michael Bryan: Edited by George Stanley. London, 1873. |
277* | Painters and Engravers, Dictionary of Recent and Living: Henry Ottley. London, 1875. |
278 | Painting in England, Anecdotes of: Horace Walpole. 5 vols. Strawberry Hill, 1795. |
279 | Patrick, Saint, Apostle of Ireland, his Life and Mission: Rev. James H. Todd, D.D. Dublin, 1864. |
280 | Patrick, Saint, Apostle of Ireland in the Third Century: R. Steele Nicholson. Dublin, 1868. |
281 | Peerage for the People: William Carpenter. London, 1835. |
282 | Pepys' Diary and Correspondence; with Life and Notes by Richard, Lord Braybrooke. 5 vols. London, 1848–'9. |
283 | Perrott, Sir John, History of that Eminent Statesman. London, 1728. |
284 | Petrie, George, Life: William Stokes, M.D. London, 1868. |
Petrie, George, see Nos. 225, 298. | |
284* | Petty, Dr. William: History of the Down Survey, A.D. 1655–'6. Dublin, 1851. |
284† | Petty, Sir William, The Political Anatomy of Ireland. London, 1691. |
285 | Philosophy, History of: George H. Lewis. 2 vols. London, 1871. |
285† | Phelan, William, D.D., Remains: John Jebb, D.D. 2 vols. London, 1832. |
286 | Players, Lives of the: John Gait. 2 vols. London, 1831. |
286* | Plunket, Archbishop Oliver, Memoirs: Rev. P. F. Moran. Dublin, 1861. |
Plowden, Francis, see Nos. 173*, 173‡'. | |
287 | Plunket, Lord, Life, Letters, and Speeches: Hon. David Plunket. 2 vols. London, 1867. |
288 | Poets and Dramatists of Ireland: Denis F. MacCarthy. Dublin, 1846. |
289 | Poets and Poetry of Munster: John O'Daly. Dublin, 1853. |
Prendergast, John P., see No. 93. | |
290 | Protestants of Ireland under the late King James's Government, State of the: William King, Archbishop of Dublin. London, 1691. See also No. 201*. |
291 | Public Characters of 1798. Dublin, 1799. |
292 | Ralegh, Sir Walter, Life and Letters: Edward Edwards. 2 vols. London, 1868. |
293 | Rebellion and Civil Wars in Ireland: Ferdinando Warner. London, 1768. |
Reeves, Rev. William, D.D.: see Nos. 11†, 45, 85, 85*, 93*, 233†. | |
294 | Reynolds, Life of Thomas: by his Son. 2 vols. London, 1839. |
Richey, Alexander G., see No. 174. | |
295 | Rinuccini, Monsignor, G. B., Archbishop of Fermo, Embassy in Ireland, in 1645–'9: Translated by Annie Hutton. Dublin, 1873. |
296 | Robinson, Henry Crabb; Diary, Reminiscences, and Correspondence: Thomas Sadler. London, 1869. |
297 | Rocque's Maps, Collection of, in Library of Trinity College, Dublin. |
298 | Round Towers and Ecclesiastical Architecture of Ireland: George Petrie, LL.D. Dublin, 1845. |
299 | Round Towers of Ireland: H. O'Brien. London, 1834. |
299† | Rowan, Archibald H., Memoirs: Rev. W. H. Drummond, D.D. Dublin, 1840. |
Ryan, Richard, see No. 349. | |
300 | Rutty, John, M.D., Diary and Soliloquies. London, 1796. |
300* | Senchus Mor. vol. i. Dublin, 1865. |
300‡ | Saints, Lives of the: Alban Butler. 2 vols. Dublin, 1833. |
301 | Sham Squire and the Informers of 1798, William J. FitzPatrick. Dublin, 1869. |
301† | Scottish Highlands, Language and Literature of: J. S. Blackie. Edinburgh, 1876. |
302 | Shee, Sir Martin Archer, Life: Martin A. Shee. 2 vols. London, 1860. |
303 | Shell, Richard Lalor, Memoirs: W. Torrens M'Cullagh. 2 vols. London, 1855. |
304 | Shell's, Richard Lalor, Sketches Legal and Political: Edited with Notes by M. W. Savage. 2 vols. London, 1855. |
305 | Shelburne, William, Earl of. Life: Lord Edward FitzMaurice. 2 vols. London, 1875–'76. |
305† | Skelton, Rev. Philip, Memoirs: Samuel Burdy, A.B. London, 1816. |
306 | Sheridan, Memoirs of Mrs. Frances: Alicia Le Fann. London, 1824. |
307 | Sheridan, Richard Brinsley, Memoirs: Thomas Moore. 2 vols. London, 1825. |
307* | Spain, Kings of the House of Bourbon: Rev. William Coxe. 5 vols. London, 1815. |
307† | Spain, Travels through: Henry Swinburne. London, 1779. |
307‡ | Smith, Erasmus, a paper in Social Science Congress Report for 1861. |
308 | Speeches from the Dock: Alexander M. Sullivan. Dublin, 1868. |
309 | Spenser, Edmund, Works, Life. |
310 | Spencer, Campion, Hanmer, and Marleburrough. Ancient Irish Histories. 2 vols. Dublin, 1809. See also No. 188*. |
311 | State Papers relating to Ireland, Calendar 1171–1610. 6 vols. London, 1860–'75. |
312 | State Trials, Cobbett's, 1163 to 1820. 34 vols. London, 1806–'28. |
313 | Statesmen in the Time of George III.: Lord Brougham. 6 vols. London, 1845. |
314 | Statutes, Public General, of the United Kingdom. |
315 | Stearne, Life of Dr., in Dublin Journal of Medical Science, May, 1865. |
316 | Steele, Sir Richard, and Notices of his Contemporaries: Henry R. Montgomery. 2 vols. Edinburgh, 1865. |
316† | Steevens' Hospital, History of: Cheyne Brady. Dublin, 1865. (Pamphlet.) |
Supple, Gerald H., see No. 5. | |
317 | Sterne, Lawrence, Life: Percy FitzGerald. 2 vols. London, 1864. |
318 | Story, George, Wars of Ireland, 1689–'92. 2 parts. London, 1693.
319 | Surgeons, Lessons from the Lives of Irish: E. D. Mapother, M.D, Dublin, 1873. |
320 | Swift, Jonathan, Life of: John Forster. London, 1875. |
320† | Swift, Jonathan, Remarks on his Life and Writings: Earl of Orrery. Dublin, 1752. |
321 | Swift, Jonathan, Works, with Notes, and Life: Sir Walter Scott. 19 vols. Edinburgh, 1824. |
322 | Swift, Jonathan, Closing Years: William R. Wilde. Dublin, 1849. |
322* | Teeling, Charles H.: Personal Narrative of the Rebellion of 1798. London, 1828. |
323 | Temple, Sir John, Rebellion of 1641. Dublin, 1724. |
323* | Temple, Sir William, Original MS. Depositions used by, in the Library of Trinity College, Dublin. |
323† | Tomb Stones and Monuments. |
323‡ | Thompson, William: The Natural History of Ireland. 4 vols. London, 1849–'51. |
324 | Tone, Theobald Wolfe, Autobiography. Edited by his Son. 2 vols. Washington, 1826. |
324† | Thom, Alexander, Dublin Directories. See also No. 104†, and 183. |
325 | Topographical Dictionary of Ireland: Samuel Lewis. 3 vols. London, 1837. |
Todd, Rev. James H., see Nos. 144, 151, 234, 253†, 279. | |
326 | Trench, Memoir of Power Le Poer, Archbishop of Tuam: Rev. J. D. Sirr, D.D. London, 1845. |
326† | Trench, Remains of Mrs. Richard: Edited by her Son, the Dean of Westminster. London, 1862. |
327 | Tuckey, Captain J. K.: Narrative of an Expedition to Explore the River Zaire. London, 1818. |
328 | United Irishmen their Lives and Times: First Series: Robert R. Madden, M.D. 2 vols. London, 1842. |
329 | United Irishmen, their Lives and Times: Second Series: Robert R. Madden, M.D. 2 vols. London, 1843. |
330 | United Irishmen, their Lives and Times: Third Series: Robert R. Madden, M.D. 3 vols. Dublin, 1846. |
331 | Unite Irishmen, their Lives and Times: Robert R. Madden, M.D. 4 vols. London, 1858–'60. |
332 | University of Dublin; History, with Biographical Notices. William B. S. Taylor. London, 1845. |
333 | Urwick, William, D.D., Life and Letters: Edited by his Son. London, 1870. |
334 | Ussher, Rev. James, D.D., Archbishop of Armagh: C. R. Elrington, D.D. Dublin, 1864. |
335 | Viceroys of Ireland, History: John T. Gilbert. Dublin, 1865. |
336 | Volunteers of 1782: Thomas MacNevin. Dublin, 1845. |
337 | Walker, Rev. George: Account of the Siege of Londonderry. London, 1689. |
338 | Walker's Hibernian Magazine. Dublin, 1771–1811. Walker, Joseph C., see Nos. 20, 108. |
339 | Ware, Sir James, Works: Walter Harris. 2 vols. Dublin, 1764. |
339* | Ware, Sir James, Works. Dublin, 1705. |
340 | Warr of Ireland, from 1641 to 1653, by British Officer: Edited by E. H. Dublin, 1873. |
341 | Waterloo Lectures: Lieutenant-Colonel Chesney, R.E. London, 1868. |
342 | Wellesley, Richard, Marquis, Memoirs: R. R. Pearse. 3 vols. London, 1847. |
343 | Wellington, Duke of. Life: M. Brialmont, translated by Rev. G. R. Gleig. 4 vols. London, 1860. |
343* | Wellington, Maxims and Opinions of the Duke of: George H. Francis. London, 1845. |
344 | Wellington, Duke of, his Life: William H. Maxwell. London, 1852. |
345 | Wentworth, Life of Thomas, Earl of Strafford: Elizabeth Cooper. 2 vols. London, 1874. |
345* | Wentworth, Thomas—Earl of Strafforde, State Letters and Dispatches, with his Life by Sir G. Radcliffe: Edited by W. Knowler, LL.D. 2 vols. Dublin, 1740. |
346 | West Connaught: Roderick O'Flaherty: Edited by James Hardiman. (I. A. S.) Dublin, 1846. |
347 | Whately, Life and Correspondence of Richard, Archbishop of Dublin: E. Jane Whately. 2 vols. London, 1866. |
347† | William Henry, Prince of Orange, Life and Reign: Walter Harris. Dublin, 1749. |
Wills, Rev. James, D.D., see No. 196. | |
348 | Wolfe, Remains of Rev. Charles: Rev. J. A. Russell, M.A. London, 1827. |
348* | Woman's Record, or Sketches of all Distinguished Women: Sarah J. Hale. New York, 1855. |
349 | Worthies of Ireland, Biographical Dictionary of the: Richard Ryan. 2 vols. London, 1821. |
Wyse, Thomas, see No. 73. | |
350 | Young, Arthur: Tours in Ireland. 2 vols. London, 1780. |