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A Complete Course in Dressmaking/Lesson 1/Test questions

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What styles are most becoming to a stout young girl?

What styles ought a short woman to avoid?

What colors are most becoming to a blonde?

Does a woman with a sallow complexion look well in black?

Does a stout woman look well in white?

What are the complementary colors?
Give list.

Can you give the definition of a complementary color?

Can you state the five rules for combining colors?

Which tension of your sewing machine needs the most regulating—the bobbin or the needle tension?

Can lace be sewed on with a sewing machine attachment?

Can you make a lap felled seam with an attachment?

What kind of seam is used at the shoulder of a coat?

What seam looks best in sheer materials such as organdie?

What is the correct position for a person taking the bust measurement?

What measurement is taken from arm muscle to arm muscle?

How do you determine the length of arm at the wrist?

Why is a press cloth necessary in pressing woolens?

Is sponging and shrinking woolens the same process? Does it answer the same purpose?

A great deal of the data in Lesson I is for reference. When you take up the making of dresses, Lesson VI, you will want to refer to Suitable Styles and perhaps Becoming Colors.

In deciding on the seams to use in making the garments in Lessons III, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII, IX and X, it will be an advantage to have Lesson I handy to refer to.

The information about taking measurements is for reference later on, too. You will see how to apply this material when you take up blouses, dresses, pattern making and draping.

Lesson II shows the first steps in applying quick and efficient methods to sewing. It takes up the making of aprons and housedresses just to demonstrate several points in sewing.

Even if you have sewed before, it will be well to study Lesson II. Remember that it is not just the aprons and housedresses illustrated that you are learning to make but you are learning the principles which they illustrate. You will find many of the suggestions for the aprons apply to blouses, children’s garments and ladies’ dresses.

To become efficient, study the whole course in the order in which the books are printed.