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A Critique of the Theory of Evolution/INDEX

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Abnormal abdomen 109
Abraxas 78-81
Allantois 17
Allelomorphs 83-84
Altenburg 112
Amnion 16-17
Andalusian fowl 45, 46
Annelids 22
Antlered wing 111
Apterous wing 11
Arc wing 111
Aristae 104

Bar eye 67, 108, 169
Bateson 18, 34, 36
Beaded wing 11, 115
Beans 147-149, 157
Belgian hare 171
Bent wing 116
Bergson 30, 31
Bildungstrieb 34
Biogenetic law 15, 18, 19, 21
Biometricians 156
Bird 21, 23
Bithorax 65, 112, 113
Black body color 111, 133
Blakeslee 152
Bridges 114, 143, 163
British Association 36
Brünn 40
Buff eye color 109
Bufon 27

Castle 176-180
Cat 33
Cell 90, 91
Chance variations 37
Chick 16, 17, 20
Chromatin 184
Chromosome group of Drosophila 102
Chromosomes 91, 95, 96, 98, 130, 131, 132
Cleavage 21, 22, 94
Clover butterfly 62
Club wing 69, 70, 108
Colias philodice 62
Color blindness 77, 125
Comb of Drosophila 103
Combs of fowls 33, 54
Comparative anatomy 7, 8, 9, 14
Corn 150, 153, 172
Correns 41
Cosmogonies 27
Cream eye color 163, 164
Crepidula 22
Criss-cross inheritance 78
Crossing over 131-133
Cuénot 178
Curled wing 115
Curved wing 111
Curve of probability 149
Cut wing 11, 104

Dachs legs 112
Dahlgren 62
Darwin 15, 24, 28, 32, 35-37, 64, 145, 146, 152, 154-156
Dendy 188
De Vries 18, 147, 156
Dexter 170
Dichaete 114
Difflugia 184-187
Discontinuous variation 13
Disuse 31
Drosophila ampelophila 10, 12, 13, 48-50, 60, 75, 84, 85, 93, 100, 103, 119, 155, 162, 169
Drosophila repleta 76
Duplication of legs 109
Dwarf 114

East 170, 172
Ebony 50, 55, 56, 115
Egg 91, 94
Elephant 191
Elephants' skulls 188
Elephants' trunks 190
Embryology 13-23
Emerson 172
Environment 27
Eosin eye color 61, 107, 163
Erdmann 183
Evolution Creatrice 30
Evolution—three kinds of 1, 2, 4
Eye color 13
Eyeless 66, 115

Factorial theory 89
Factors of Drosophila 143
Fantails 172, 175
Fertilization 91
Fish 16, 20, 21
Flatworms 22
Fluctuations 12
Forked bristles 106
Fowl 77
Fused veins 107, 108

Galton 154
Geneticist 26
Germ-plasm 142
Geoffroy St. Hilaire 27
Giant 114
Gill-slits 20, 21, 23
Groups I, II, III, IV 100-118

Haeckel 15
Haemophilia 77
Heliotropism 106, 107
Himalyan rabbits 83
History 1, 6
Hoge 66
Horse, evolution of 6

Indian corn 172, 173
Interference 137, 138

Janssens 132
Jaunty wing 111
Jennings 161, 181-184, 186
Johannsen 156, 157, 159-161, 166, 182

Lamarck 31-34
Langshan 77
Leaves 147
Leidy 186
Lethal 105
Linkage groups 103
Lizard 23
Localization of factors 118

MacDowell 155, 170, 171
Macritherium 191
Mammal 16, 21, 23
Man 20, 77, 125, 126
Map of Chromosomes 136
Maroon eye color 114
Mendel 40, 41, 52, 89
Mendelian heredity 39
Mendel's law 41-59, 64, 124
Mendel's second law 52
Mesenchyme cells 22
Mesoderm cells 22
Metaphysician 30
Mice 33, 178
Middleton 183
Miniature wing 108
Mirabilis 42
Modifiers 163, 164, 170, 171
Molluscs 22
Mouse 83
Muller 112, 167
Mutations 35, 39, 84

Nägeli 34, 35
Natural Selection 36, 145, 146, 187-194
Nisus formativus 34
Non-disjunction 139-142
Notch wing 104-106
Nucleus 91

Origin of Species 35, 145
Orthogenesis 34

Paleontology 24-27
Papilio polytes 63
Papilio turnus 63
Paramecium 181, 182
Paratettix 81
Peach eye color 114
Pea comb 54
Pearl 161
Peas 47
Pigeons 172, 174, 175
Pink eye color 114, 115
Planarian 22
Plymouth Rock 77
Podarke 22
Polar bodies 126
Pole arms 5
Protozoa 181
Pseudo-parthenogenesis 183
Purple eye color 109
Purpose 4

Rabbits 83, 170
Rats 176-180
Reduction division 182
Reproductive cells 96
Ruby eye color 106
Rudimentary organ 116
Rudimentary wing 70, 71, 107

Sable body color 107
Science definition of 6
Segregation 41
Selenka 94
Sepia eye color 13, 114
Sex chromosomes 118
Sex linked inheritance 75, 118-130
Sexual dimorphism 62
Sheep 33
Single comb 54
Sooty body color 50, 114, 115
Speck 68, 69, 111
Spencer 145
Spermatozoön 91, 98
Stars, evolution of 6
St. Hilaire 27-30
Strap wing 110, 111
Stumpy wing 11
Sturtevant 76, 143
Stylonychia 183
Survival of the fittest 146
Systematist 85

Tails 33
Tan flies 106, 107
Tetrabelodon 191
Trefoil 111
Truncate wing 111, 112, 167, 168

Unfolding principle 34
Unio 22
Unit character 74, 75
Use 31

Variation discontinuous 13
Vermilion eye color 108, 163
Vestigial wing 11, 55, 56, 109, 133
Vital force 34

Wallace 36
Walnut comb 54
Weismann 17, 31-33
Wilson, E. B. 125
Wingless 67
Winiwarter 126
White eye color 13, 75, 119-130
Whiting eye color 163, 164
Woodruff 183

Yellow body color 108, 133
Yolk sac 16, 17

Zeleny 169