A Culture of Copyright/Index
- Aberdeen Archives, Art Gallery and Museums
- copyright statement 64
- technical protection measures 56
- Aberdeenshire Council 52, 53
- Aberdeenshire Museums Service 54
- Africa, open GLAM instances 32
- Allen, Nancy 9
- Archaeology Data Service
- open assets 54
- UK GLAM sample 13, 46
- Archives and Records Association 102
- Argentina, open GLAM instances 32
- Art UK
- Bath Postal Museum 12
- commercial/non-commercial permissions 68
- fair dealing/copyright exceptions 65
- image resolution 58
- ND licences 71
- platform/aggregator 6, 11, 59
- Sculpture Project open licensing requirement 14, 47, 96
- UK GLAM instances 31, 40, 52, 53, 54, 55, 59
- UK GLAM sample 14, 55
- Yale Center for British Art 55
- York Museums Trust 50
- Arts Council England, collaboration recommended 3, 102
- Arts Council Norway 40, 41
- Arts and Humanities Research Council 102
- Aruba, open GLAM instances 32
- Ashmolean Museum
- educational uses 67
- licensing service/picture library 57
- open access 78
- Ashwell Village Museum 52, 53
- Asia, open GLAM instances 32
- Atkinson Art Gallery
- fair dealing/copyright exceptions 65
- moral rights and attribution 71
- technical protection measures 56
- unenforceable terms 69
- Australasia, open GLAM instances 32
- Australia
- art and new technologies report 10
- open GLAM instances 32
- Austria, open GLAM instances 32
- Ballon, Hillary 9
- Bath Postal Museum
- Art UK 12
- open assets 52, 53
- Beith Library 52, 53
- Belgium, open GLAM instances 32
- Biblioteca Dixital de Galicia 40
- Biblioteca Virtual de Prensa Histórica 40
- Biblioteka Narodowa 40
- Bildarchiv der ETH-Bibliothek 41
- Birmingham Museums Trust
- commercialisation 87
- free entry and open access 31, 43
- IPO Copyright Notice compliance 5
- low/high resolution images 73
- moral rights and attribution 71
- open access 90, 95
- open assets 54
- public domain compliance 31, 39, 43, 54, 88
- public facing policies 61
- Bodleian Libraries
- commercial/non-commercial permissions 68
- educational uses 67
- moral rights and attribution 72
- Bowes Museum, technical protection measures 56
- Brackley Town Hall 52, 53
- Bradfield Parish Council Offices 52, 53
- Bradford Museums & Galleries
- licensing service/picture library 57
- technical protection measures 56
- unenforceable terms 69
- Braemar Castle 52, 53
- Brazil, open GLAM instances 32
- Bristol Archives, technical protection measures 56
- Bristol Museum & Gallery
- decolonisation statements 75
- technical protection measures 56
- British Film Institute, licensing service/picture library 57
- British Library
- copyright law interpretation 62
- cultural sensitivities 77
- Flickr Commons activity 60
- legislation 24
- licensing service/picture library 57
- open access 78
- open/public domain assets 6, 31, 40, 43, 50, 52, 54
- public domain acknowledgement 63
- reproduction of images 74
- technical protection measures 56
- British Museum
- commercial/non-commercial permissions 68
- human remains 77
- legislation 24
- licensing service/picture library 57
- low/high resolution images 72-3
- Brown, Melanie 10
- Bulgaria, open GLAM instances 32
- Buxton Museum & Art Gallery 52,53
- Cameroon, open GLAM instances 32
- Canada, open GLAM instances 32
- Captain Cook Birthplace Museum 52, 53
- Carisbrooke Castle Museum 52, 53
- Centre National d'Études Spatiales (National
- Centre for Space Studies) 40
- Channel Islands, UK GLAM sample 46
- Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals 102
- Chile, open GLAM instances 32
- Coetzee, Derek 27
- Courtauld 57
- Coventry Council House 52, 53
- Crews, Kenneth 10
- Cricklade Town Hall 52, 53
- Croatia, open GLAM instances 32
- Culture Grid
- open assets 54
- UK GLAM sample 13, 46
- Daniel, Johanna 10
- Deazley, Ronan 66
- Deegan, Marilyn 9, 10, 27
- Denmark, open GLAM instances 32
- Denoyelle, Martine 10
- Dereham Assembly Rooms 52, 53
- DigitaltMuseum 40, 41
- Dorman Museum 52, 53
- Doukaridou-Ramantani, Eli 10
- Dulwich Picture Gallery 56
- Dundee Art Galleries and Museums 56
- Durand, Katie 10
- East Riding Archives
- fair dealing/copyright exceptions 65
- Flickr Commons ativity 60
- licensing service/picture library 57
- open assets 54
- unenforceable terms 69
- Eden Camp Modern History Theme Museum 52, 53
- Egypt Centre 57
- England
- open GLAM instances 32
- UK GLAM sample 46
- Estonia, open GLAM instances 32
- Europe
- open GLAM instances 32
- reproduction charging models 9
- European Union, open GLAM instances 25-6, 39, 98
- Faculty of Music Trinity Laban 60
- Finland, open GLAM instances 32
- Fitzwilliam Museum
- copyright law interpretation 63
- moral rights and attribution 71
- Fleming Collection
- commercial/non-commercial permissions 68, 69
- fair dealing/copyright exceptions 65
- moral rights and attribution 71
- open access 78-9
- technical protection measures 56
- France
- art images circulation 10
- free entry and open access 43
- open GLAM instances 31, 32, 39, 40
- Freyberg, Lord Valerian 23, 27
- Gallery Oldham 56
- German Digital Library 40
- Germany, open GLAM instances 5, 31, 32, 39-40
- Getty Institute 25
- Gilbert, Sir John 95
- Glasgow Museums
- commercial/non-commercial permissions 68
- licensing service/picture library 57
- moral rights and attribution 71
- Government Art Collection
- copyright law interpretation 62
- licensing service/picture library 57
- operating profit/loss 27
- reproduction of images 73
- Greater Manchester County Record Office 52, 53
- Greece, open GLAM instances 32
- Guernsey Museums and Galleries
- copyright law interpretation 63-4
- fair dealing/copyright exceptions 65
- licensing service/picture library 57
- moral rights and attribution 71
- technical protection measures 56
- Harris Manchester College 52, 53
- Hastings Library 52, 53
- Hepworth Wakefield 52, 53
- Herbert Art Gallery and Museum 52, 54
- Heritage Collections UK Parliament
- copyright statement 64-5
- licensing service/picture library 57
- technical protection measures 56
- Heritage Doncaster 54
- Highland Council Archive 57
- Historic England 56, 57
- Historic Environment Scotland 56, 57
- Historic Royal Palaces
- licensing service/picture library 57
- moral rights and attribution 71
- Holmesdale Natural History Club 52, 53
- Horniman Museum and Gardens
- cultural sensitivities 75
- moral rights and attribution 72
- open assets 54
- unenforceable terms 70
- Hungary, open GLAM instances 32
- Iceland, open GLAM instances 32
- Imperial War Museums
- commercial/non-commercial permissions 69
- fair dealing/copyright exceptions 65, 66
- legislation 24
- open assets 54
- India, open GLAM instances 32
- Indonesia, open GLAM instances 32
- Intellectual Property Office
- on copyright in digitised images 23, 27, 29, 61, 62, 84
- Copyright Notice compliance/non-compliance 5, 8, 62, 84
- Copyright Notice endorsement 3, 102
- Ireland, open GLAM instances 32
- Isle of Man, UK GLAM sample 46
- Israel, open GLAM instances 32
- Italy, open GLAM instances 32
- IWM Collections 60
- J. Paul Getty Institute 25
- Japan, open GLAM instances 32
- Jerwood Gallery 52, 53
- Jerwood Library of the Performing Arts 52
- open assets 54
- technical protection measures 56
- Jewish Museum London 57
- Kapsalis, Effie 10
- Kelly, Kristin 10
- Kirklees Image Archive
- fair dealing/copyright exceptions 66
- moral rights and attribution 71
- Kirklees Museums and Galleries 57
- Koninklijke Bibliotheek 40
- Latvia, open GLAM instances 32
- Laurels 52, 53
- Laurence Sterne Trust
- open assets 52, 54
- technical protection measures 56
- Leeds Museums & Galleries
- copyright law interpretation 62
- fair dealing/copyright exceptions 66
- human remains 76-7
- moral rights and attribution 71
- technical protection measures 56
- Leicester Museums and Galleries 52, 54
- Lewes Town Hall 52, 53
- Lithuania, open GLAM instances 32
- Liverpool Central Library 56
- Llyfrgell Genedlaethol Cymru (National Library of Wales)
- IPO Copyright Notice compliance 5
- open access 90
- open assets 54
- public domain acknowledgement 63
- public domain compliant 31, 39
- technical protection measures 56
- London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine 52, 53
- London Transport Museum 57
- LSE Library
- commercial/non-commercial permissions 68
- cultural sensitivities 76
- Flickr Commons activity 60
- open assets 54
- public domain acknowledgement 63
- Luxembourg, open GLAM instances 32
- McCarthy, Douglas
- on aggregators' role 59
- Open GLAM survey 13, 32
- Maldon Moot Hall 52, 53
- Malopolska Institute of Culture 40
- Manchester Art Gallery
- fair dealing/copyright exceptions 66
- licensing service/picture library 57
- mission statement 86
- moral rights and attribution 71
- Manchester Museum 57
- Mary Rose Trust
- licensing service/picture library 57
- open assets 52, 53
- technical protection measures 56
- Metropolitan Museum of Art 84
- Mexico, open GLAM instances 32
- Middlesbrough Town Hall 52, 53
- Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology 75
- Museum of Classical Archaeology
- commercial/non-commercial permissions 68
- licensing service/picture library 57
- moral rights and attribution 71
- Museum of Domestic Design & Architecture 52, 54
- Museum of Hartlepool
- Flickr Commons activity 60
- open assets 53
- Museum of Liverpool 57
- Museum of London
- fair dealing/copyright exceptions 65
- licensing service/picture library 57
- Museum of Modern Art 85
- Museums Sheffield
- copyright law interpretation 64
- educational use permissions 67-8
- National Archives
- 'digital surrogate' definition 12
- Flickr Commons activity 60
- licensing service/picture library 57
- open assets 54
- reproduction of images 73-4
- technical protection measures 56
- unenforceable terms 69-70
- National Army Museum 57
- National Brewery Heritage Trust 54
- National Galleries Scotland
- commercial/non-commercial permissions 69
- fair dealing/copyright exceptions 65
- income from licensing 27-8
- legislation 24
- licensing service/picture library 57
- open assets 54
- reproduction of images 74
- technical protection measures 56
- National Gallery
- fees 19-20
- income from licensing 27
- legislation 24
- licensing service/picture library 57
- moral rights and attribution 71
- National Gallery of Art 25
- National Jazz Archive 56, 57
- National Library of Scotland
- legislation 24
- open assets 54
- National Library of Wales (Llyfrgell Genedlaethol Cymru)
- IPO Copyright Notice compliance 5
- open access 90
- open assets 54
- public domain acknowledgement 63
- public domain compliant 31, 39
- technical protection measures 56
- National Lottery Heritage Fund
- collaboration recommended 102
- open licensing requirements 8, 24-5, 96, 103
- National Maritime Museum 24
- National Museum Directors' Council, collaboration
- recommended 3, 102
- National Museum Wales 57
- National Museums Liverpool
- fair dealing/copyright exceptions 66
- licensing service/picture library 57
- public facing policies 61
- National Museums Northern Ireland
- fair dealing/copyright exceptions 66
- licensing service/picture library 57
- moral rights and attribution 71
- National Museums Scotland 24
- National Portrait Gallery
- cease-and-desist notice 27
- commercial/non-commercial permissions 68
- copyright law interpretation 62, 64
- educational use permissions 67
- fair dealing/copyright exceptions 66
- free entry 43
- income from licensing 27
- legislation 24
- licensing service/picture library 57
- moral rights and attribution 71, 72
- open access 43, 78
- technical protection measures 56
- National Records of Scotland 56
- National Science and Media Museum
- Flickr Commons activity 60
- open assets 54
- National Trust 57
- Natural History Museum
- legislation 24
- licensing service/picture library 57
- open/public domain assets 6, 31, 40, 43, 50, 54, 55
- Naturalis Biodiversity Center 40
- Netherlands, open GLAM instances 31, 32, 39, 40-1
- New College 52, 53
- New Zealand, open GLAM instances 32
- Newark Town Hall Museum and Art Gallery
- open assets 52, 53
- technical protection measures 56
- Newcastle Libraries
- IPO Copyright Notice compliance 5
- open access 90
- open assets 53
- public domain compliant 31, 39
- Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital 52, 53
- North America
- open GLAM instances 32
- see also Canada; United States of America
- North Ayrshire Heritage Centre 52, 53
- Northampton Museums 57
- Northern Ireland, UK GLAM sample 46
- Northern Ireland War Memorial 56
- Norway, open GLAM instances 31, 32, 39, 40, 41
- Open Knowledge Foundation 11, 12
- Oxford University Museum of Natural History 56
- Paris Musées 40
- Parliamentary Archives
- fair dealing/copyright exceptions 65
- licensing service/picture library 57
- technical protection measures 56
- unenforceable terms 70
- Perth Museums and Galleries 52, 54
- Petrie Museum of Egyptian Archaeology 76
- Pitt Rivers Museum
- cultural sensitivities 75-6
- licensing service/picture library 57
- moral rights and attribution 71
- Poland, open GLAM instances 31, 32, 39, 40
- Portable Antiquities Scheme, open/public domain assets 6, 13, 31, 39, 43, 50, 54
- Portico Library and Gallery 52, 54
- Portugal, open GLAM instances 32
- Qatar, open GLAM instances 32
- Rijksdienst voor het Cultureel Erfgoed 41
- Rijksmuseum 41, 43
- Romania, open GLAM instances 32
- Royal Academy of Art
- licensing service/picture library 57
- moral rights and attribution 71
- Royal Albert Museum 65
- Royal Armouries
- commercial/non-commercial permissions 68-9
- licensing service/picture library 57
- Royal Botanic Gardens, Edinburgh 57
- Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew
- licensing service/picture library 57
- open/public domain assets 6, 31, 43, 50, 54
- technical protection measures 56
- Royal Hampshire Regiment Museum 52, 53
- Royal Museums Greenwich
- cultural sensitivities 76
- fair dealing/copyright exceptions 65
- Flickr Commons activity 60
- income from licensing 28
- licensing service/picture library 57
- moral rights and attribution 71
- Royal Pavilion & Museums Trust, Brighton & Hove
- copyright law interpretation 62
- fair dealing/copyright exceptions 65
- IPO Copyright Notice 5, 23
- open access 90
- open/public domain assets 6, 31, 43, 50, 54
- public domain acknowledgement 63
- public domain compliant 31, 39, 88
- Royal Pump Room 53
- Royal Watercolour Society 53
- Royston & District Museum & Art Gallery 52, 53
- Russia, open GLAM instances 32
- St Peter's College 52, 53
- Science Museum 24
- Science Museum Group
- commercial/non-commercial permissions 68
- human remains 77
- licensing service/picture library 57
- low/high resolution images 73
- open access 78
- open assets 54
- Scotland
- open GLAM instances 32
- UK GLAM sample 46
- Scottish Maritime Museum 52, 54
- Serbia, open GLAM instances 32
- Sir John Soane's Museum
- copyright law interpretation 63
- income from licensing 28
- moral rights and attribution 71, 72
- Slovakia, open GLAM instances 32
- Slovenia, open GLAM instances 32
- Smithsonian American Art Museum 10
- Smithsonian Institution
- funding 25
- open access 10, 12, 25, 39
- South America, open GLAM instances 32
- Spain, open GLAM instances 31, 32, 39, 40
- Stírling Smith Art Gallery & Museum 56
- Sullivan, Robert 66
- Sweden
- free entry and open access 43
- open GLAM instances 5, 31, 32, 39, 40, 41
- Swedish National Heritage Board 40
- Swedish Open Cultural Heritage 40
- Switzerland, open GLAM instances 32, 41
- Taiwan, open GLAM instances 32
- Tank Museum
- copyright law interpretation 62
- fair dealing/copyright exceptions 66
- open assets 52, 53
- Tanner, Simon 9, 10, 27
- Tate
- commercial/non-commercial permissions 68
- income from licensing 28
- legislation 24
- licensing service/picture library 57
- moral rights and attribution 71
- reproduction of images 74
- staff reductions 82
- unenforceable terms 70
- Tate Images Picture Library 56
- Tenby Town Council 52, 53
- Thirlestane Castle 53
- Toynbee Hall 52, 53
- Tsiavos, Prodromos 9
- Turkey, open GLAM instances 32
- Tyne & Wear Archives & Museums
- cultural sensitivities 75
- Flickr Commons activity 60
- open assets 54
- public facing policies 61
- technical protection measures 56
- unenforceable terms 69
- United Kingdom
- context of study 9-10
- free entry and open access 43
- GLAM policies survey 15
- GLAM sample 13, 46-57
- open GLAM instances 5-6, 31, 32, 39, 40, 43
- United Kingdom Intellectual Property Office
- on copyright in digitised images 23, 27, 29, 61, 62, 84
- Copyright Notice compliance/non-
- compliance 5, 8, 62, 84
- Copyright Notice endorsement 3, 102
- United States of America
- context of study 9,10
- free entry and open access 43
- open GLAM instances 5, 25, 31, 32, 39, 98
- reproduction charging models 9
- see also J. Paul Getty Institute; National
- Gallery of Art; Smithsonian American Art
- Museum; Smithsonian Institution; Yale
- Center for British Art
- Universidade de São Paulo 52
- University of Dundee Museum Collections 52, 54
- University of Edinburgh Art Collection 54
- University of Manchester 52, 53
- University of Oxford, Museum of Natural History 56
- University of St Andrews 54, 56
- University of Sussex 52, 53
- University of York
- moral rights and attribution 71
- open assets 52, 54
- Uruguay, open GLAM instances 32
- Venezuela, open GLAM instances 32
- Victoria & Albert Museum
- commercial/non-commercial permissions 68
- educational uses 67
- fair dealing/copyright exceptions 65
- income from licensing 28
- legislation 24
- licensing service/picture library 57
- open assets 54
- Vitenskapsmuseet 41
- Wales
- open GLAM instances 32
- UK GLAM sample 46
- Wallace, Andrea 13, 32
- Wallace Collection
- income from licensing 28
- legislation 24
- licensing service/picture library 57
- moral rights and attribution 71
- Watford Museum 56
- Wellcome Collection
- IPO Copyright Notice compliance 5
- open access 90
- open licensing requirements 8, 25, 96
- open/public domain assets 6, 31, 43, 50, 54
- other GLAMs use of 84
- public domain compliant 31, 39
- Westermann, Mariet 9[1]
- Yale Center for British Art 55
- open assets 54
- Wellcome Collection redirection to 25
- York Army Museum 52, 53
- York Museums Trust
- IPO Copyright Notice compliance 5
- open access 90
- open/public domain assets 6,31, 43, 50, 54
- public domain acknowledgement 63
- public domain compliant 31, 39, 88
- ↑ Wikipedia, Wikidata and especially Wikimedia Commons are all mentioned multiple times in the report, but are not indexed. (Wikisource contributor note)