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A Danish and Dano-Norwegian Grammar/Punctuation

From Wikisource

247. As to punctuation the D. N. language follows about the same rules as the English, excepting that comma is always used between the principal and the subordinate proposition. Comma is also used before independent propositions introduced by og and, and before single words connected by men but. Before complete sentences introduced by men but, semicolon is used. Sig mig, hvad du har gjort! Tell me what you have done! Den Ring, som jeg havde paa Fingeren, er kommet bort the ring I had on the finger has been lost. Min Söster fortalte, at hendes Bog, som hun havde lagt fra sig paa Bordet for en Time siden, var forsvunden, da hun kom tilbage til Værelset: My sister told me that her book which she had left on the table an hour ago had disappeared, when she returned to the room.