A Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities/List of writers

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Various Authors43754A Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities — List of Writers1890William Smith


[W.C.F.A.] W. C. F. Anderson, M.A.
Professor of Classics in Firth College, Sheffield.
[J.I.B.] J. I. Beare, M.A.
Fellow of Trinity College, Dublin.
[A.H.C.] A. H. Cooke, M.A.
Fellow and Tutor of King's College, Cambridge.
[J.L.S.D.] J. L. Strachan Davidson, M.A.
Fellow and Tutor of Balliol College, Oxford.
[J.H.F.] J. H. Flather, M.A.
Master of Cavendish College, Cambridge.
[W.W.F.] W. Warde Fowler, M.A.
Sub-Rector of Lincoln College, Oxford.
[E.A.G.] Ernest A. Gardner, M.A.
Fellow of Caius College, Cambridge; Director of the British Archaeological School, Athens.
[P.G.] Percy Gardner, M.A., Litt.D.
Professor of Archaeology in the University of Oxford.
[A.G.] Alfred Goodwin, M.A.
Professor of Classics in University College, London; formerly Fellow of Balliol College, Oxford.
[J.G.] James Gow, Litt.D.
Headmaster of High School, Nottingham; formerly Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge.
[A.H.G.] A. H. Greenidge, B.A.
Fellow of Hertford College, Oxford.
[H.H.] Hermann Hager, Ph.D.
Professor in Owens College, Manchester.
[E.G.H.] E. G. Hardy, M.A.
Formerly Fellow of Jesus College, Oxford.
[C.B.H.] C. B. Heberden, M.A.
Principal of Brasenose College, Oxford.
[M.R.J.] Montague Rhodes James, B.A.
Fellow of King's College, Cambridge.
[R.C.J.] R. C. Jebb, Litt.D, LL.D.
Professor of Greek in the University of Cambridge.
[W.M.L.] Wallace M. Lindsay, M.A.
Fellow of Jesus College, Oxford.
[G.E.M.] G. E. Marindin, M.A.
Examiner in Greek in the University of London; formerly Fellow of King's College, Cambridge.
[J.M.] John Marshall, B.A.
Late Scholar of Trinity College, Cambridge.
[J.H.M.] J. H. Middleton, M.A.
Slade Professor in the University of Cambridge, and Fellow of King's College.
[D.B.M.] David B. Monro, M.A.
Provost of Oriel College, Oxford.
[J.B.M.] J. B. Moyle, D.C.L.
Fellow and Tutor of New College, Oxford.
[J.R.M.] J. R. Mozley, M.A.
Formerly Fellow of King's College, Cambridge.
[A.S.M.] A. S. Murray, LL.D., F.S.A.
Keeper of Greek and Roman Antiquities in the British Museum.
[E.M.] Ernest Myers, M.A.
Formerly Fellow of Wadham College, Oxford.
[H.N.] H. Nettleship, M.A.
Professor of Latin in the University of Oxford.
[C.T.N.] Sir. C. T. Newton, K.C.B.
[J.H.O.] John Henry Onions, M.A.
Late Student of Christ Church, Oxford.
[H.F.P.] Henry F. Pelham, M.A.
Camden Professor of Ancient History in the University of Oxford, and Fellow of Exeter College.
[H.A.P.] H. A. Perry, M.A.
Fellow of King's College, Cambridge.
[L.C.P.] L. C. Purser, M.A.
Fellow of Trinity College, Dublin.
[F.T.R.] F. T. Richards, M.A.
Fellow of Trinity College, Oxford.
[W.R-y.] William Ridgeway, M.A.
Fellow of Caius College, Cambridge; Professor of Greek in Queen's College, Cork.
[H.J.R.] H. J. Roby, M.A.
Honorary Fellow of St. John's College, Cambridge.
[G.Mc.N.R] G. Mc. Neile Rushforth, M.A.
Formerly Scholar of St. John's College, Oxford.
[A.H.S.] A. H. Smith, M.A.
Assistant in the Department of Greek and Roman Antiquities in the British Museum.
[C.S.] Cecil Smith.
Assistant in the Department of Greek and Roman Antiquities in the British Museum.
[H.B.S.] Henry Babington Smith, M.A.
Of the Education Office; Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge.
[W.S.] William Smith, D.C.L., LL.D., Ph.D.
Formerly Classical Examiner in the University of London.
[H.A.T.] H. Arnold Tubbs, B.A.
Formerly Scholar of Pembroke College, Oxford.
[E.W.] E. Warre, D.D.
Headmaster of Eton College.
[W.W.] William Wayte, M.A.
Examiner in Greek in the University of London; formerly Fellow of King's College, Cambridge, and Professor of Greek in University College, London.
[E.A.W.] E. A. Whittuck, M.A.
Fellow and Tutor of Oriel College, Oxford.
[A.S.W.] A. S. Wilkins, Litt.D., LL.D.
Professor of Latin in Owens College, Manchester.
[W-kW-h.] Warwick Wroth.
Assistant in the Department of Coins in the British Museum.


[A.A.] Alexander Allen, Ph.D.
[W.F.D.] William Fishburn Donkin, M.A.
Fellow of University College, Oxford.
[W.A.G.] William Alexander Greenhill, M.D.
Trinity College, Oxford.
[B.J.] Benjamin Jowett, M.A.
Master of Balliol College, Oxford.
[C.R.K.] Charles Rann Kennedy, M.A.
Late Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge.
[T.H.K.] Thomas Hewitt Key, M.A.
Professor of Comparative Grammar in University College, London.
[H.G.L.] Henry George Liddell, D.D.
Dean of Christ Church, Oxford.
[G.L.] George Long, M.A.
Late Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge.
[J.S.M.] John Smith Mansfield, M.A.
Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge.
[C.P.M.] Charles Peter Mason, B.A.
Fellow of University College, London.
[W.R.] William Ramsay, M.A.
Professor of Humanity in the University of Glasgow.
[A.R.] Anthony Rich, Jun., B.A.
Late of Caius College, Cambridge.
[L.S.] Leonhard Schmitz, Ph.D., F.R.S.E.
Rector of the High School of Edinburgh.
[P.S.] Philip Smith, B.A.
Of the University of London.
[W.S.] William Smith, LL.D., Ph.D.
[R.W.] Robert Whiston, M.A.
Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge.
[R.N.W.] Ralph Nicholson Wornum.
[J.Y.] James Yates, M.A., F.R.S.