- Matins
- Matrimonio Segreto, Il
- Mattei, Colomba
- Mattei, Stanislao
- Matteis, Nicola
- Mattheson, Johann
- Maurel, Victor, from appendix
- Maurer, Ludwig
- Maxwell, Francis
- May, Edward
- May-Queen, The
- Mayer, Charles
- Mayer, Johann Simon
- Maynard, John
- Mayseder, Joseph
- Mazas, Jacques-Féréol
- Mazurka
- Mazzinghi, Joseph
- Mean
- Mears, Richard, from appendix
- Measure (of time)
- Measure (dance)
- Médée
- Medesimo Tempo
- Medial Cadence
- Mediant
- Mediation
- Médecin Malgré Lui, Le
- Meeresstille und glückliche Fahrt
- Mefistofele, from appendix
- Mehlig, Anna
- Méhul, Etienne
- Meibom, Marcus
- Meinardus, Ludwig, from appendix
- Meister, Alte
- Meistersinger von Nürnberg, Die
- Mel, Rinaldo del
- Melisma
- Mell, Davis
- Mellon, Alfred
- Melodists' Club, The
- Melodrama
- Melody
- Melophonic Society, The
- Melopiano
- Melusine
- Mendel, Hermann
- Mendelssohn, Felix
- Mendelssohn Quintette Club, The, from appendix
- Mendelssohn Scholarship
- Ménestrel, Le
- Mengozzi, Bernardo
- Meno mosso
- Menter, Joseph
- Menter, Sophie, from appendix
- Merbecke, John
- Mercadante, Saverio
- Mercator, Michael, from appendix
- Mercure de France
- Mercy, Louis
- Mereaux, Jean, from appendix
- Méric, Madame
- Meric, Madame de
- Merighi, Antonia
- Merk, Joseph
- Merkel, Gustav
- Merklin, Schutze, & Co., from appendix
- Mersennus, Marin
- Merulo, Claudio
- Messiah
- Mesto
- Metamorphosis, from appendix
- Metastasio, Pietro
- Methfessel, Albert, from appendix
- Metre
- Metronome
- Metzler, from appendix
- Meves, Augustus
- Meyerbeer, Giacomo
- Mezzo
- Micheli
- Mi contra Fa
- Micrologus
- Midsummer Night's Dream Music
- Mignon, from appendix
- Mikado, The, from appendix
- Milan
- Milanollo
- Milder-Hauptmann, Pauline
- Military Drum
- Miller, Edward
- Millico, Giuseppe
- Milton, John
- Minacciando
- Mingotti, Regina
- Minim
- Minor
- Minor Canons
- Minuet