A Dictionary of Music and Musicians/Bergamasca
BERGAMASCA—in the 'Midsummer Nights Dream,' a 'Bergomask.' An Italian dance, deriving its name from Bergamo, the well-known city of Tasso, Donizetti, and other eminent Italians. It is said to exist in old Italian suites de pièces.
According to Signor Piatti, himself a native of Bergamo, the characteristic dance of that district is of the following measure, like a country-dance, but quicker, with a strong accent on the second half of the bar:—
Signor Piatti has himself published a Bergamasca for Cello and Pianoforte (op. 14) which partakes of this character. Mendelssohn, however, in setting Shakspeare's 'Bergomask dance between two of our company,' has given the measure an entirely different turn:—