A Dictionary of Music and Musicians/Catelani, Angelo
CATELANI, Angelo, musician and writer on music, born at Guastalla March 30, 1811. He received his first instruction from the organist of the place, and afterwards at Modena from Giuseppe Asioli and M. Fusco. In 31 he entered the Conservatoire of Naples, then under Zingarelli, and became the special pupil of Donizetti and Crescentini. From 31 to 37 he was director of the theatre at Messina, and finally settled at Modena, where he was living a few years ago as keeper of the Este Library. Catelani is the author of three or four operas, as well as of a Requiem and other pieces of church music; but his claim to mention rests on his archæological works—Notice on P. Aron (1851); on N. Vincentino (1851); 'Epistolario di autori celebri in musica' (1852–4); 'Bibliografia di due stampe ignote di 0. Petrucci da Fossombrone' (1856)—a treatise on the two first pieces of music printed from type; Delia vita e delle opere di Orazio Vecchi (1858); Ditto di Claudio Merula da Correggio (1860); Ditto di Alessandro Stradella (Modena, Vincenzi, 1866). [App. p.583 "he died at S. Martino di Muguano, Sept. 5, 1866."]
[ G. ]