A Dictionary of Music and Musicians/Chiming
CHIMING. A bell is said to be chimed when she is swung through the smallest part of a circle possible so as to make the clapper strike; or when a separate hammer is fixed apart from her and she is struck by it. There are many different machines in use by which one man can chime any number of bells: of these the best, perhaps, is that invented by the Rev. H. T. Ellacombe of Clyst St. George, Devon, which is put up by Messrs. Warner and Sons, Cripplegate, London. There are also such machines patented by nearly all good bell-founders.
The plan adopted in many towers of fastening the rope of the bell to the clapper for this purpose is a most dangerous practice and ought never to be allowed, many fine bells having been cracked in this way. Even if no actual damage is done the gear of the bell is twisted and strained by the misapplication of the rope. It is called 'Clocking' the bell.[ C. A. W. T. ]