A Dictionary of Music and Musicians/Formes, Karl
FORMES, Karl, bass singer, son of the sexton at Mühlheim on the Rhine, born Aug. 7, 1810. What musical instruction he had he seems to have obtained in the church choir; but he first attracted attention at the concerts for the benefit of the cathedral fund at Cologne in 1841. So obvious was his talent that he was urged to go on the stage, and made his début at Cologne as Sarastro in the Zauberflöte, Jan. 6, 42, with the most marked success, ending in an engagement for three years. His next appearance was at Vienna. In 1849 he came to London, and sang first at Drury Lane in a German company as Sarastro on May 30. He made his appearance on the Italian stage at Covent Garden, March 16, 1850, as Caspar in 'Il Franco Arciero' (Der Freischütz). At the Philharmonic he sang first on the following Monday, March 18. From that time for some years he was a regular visitor to London, and filled the parts of Bertram, Marcel, Rocco, Leporello, Beltramo, etc. In 1857 he went to America, since which he has led a wandering life here and there. [App. p.637 "he visited England again in 1888, appearing at Mr Manns's benefit concert, April 21. (Died Dec. 1889)"]
For volume, compass, and quality, his voice was one of the most magnificent ever heard. He had a handsome presence and excellent dispositions for the stage, and with self-restraint and industry might have taken an almost unique position.
His brother Theodore, 16 years his junior, born June 24, 1826, the possessor of a splendid tenor voice and great intelligence, made his début at Ofen in 1846, and from 57 to 64 was one of the most noted opera singers of Germany. He too has been in America, and is now singing second-rate parts at small German theatres.[ G. ]