A Dictionary of Music and Musicians/Grieg, Edvard
GRIEG, EDVARD, composer and pianist, born June 15, 1843, at Bergen in Norway, and now conductor and teacher at Christiania. He came to Leipsic in 1858, and remained at the Conservatorium for four years, having Hauptmann and Richter as masters for harmony and counterpoint, Rietz and Reinecke for composition, and Moscheles for pianoforte playing. During the term of his studies he lived mostly in the romantic worlds of Schumann, Mendelssohn, and Chopin, whose works then gave the tone to the entire musical life of the town, and especially of the Conservatorium. He has since become aware of other older and newer masters, without however showing very distinct traces of their influence in his compositions. The characteristic Scandinavian features of Grieg's musical talent took a tangible shape soon after his return to the north. Danish, Swedish, and Norwegian Volkslieder and dances absorbed his fancy more than the study of any great composer's works; and henceforth his compositions are marked with the stamp of a particular nationality more clearly than that of any man, except perhaps Chopin.
Grieg has hitherto published the following works: 4 Clavierstücke (op. 1); 4 Lieder (op. 2); Poetische Tonbilder (op. 3); 6 Lieder (op. 4); 'Melodien des Herzens'—on Hans Andersen's songs—(op. 5); Humoresken für Pianoforte (op. 6); Sonate für Pianoforte (op, 7); Sonate für Pianoforte und Violin (op. 8); Romanzen und Balladen (op. 9); Kleine Romanzen (op. 10); 'Im Herbst,' Phantasie für Pianoforte, á quatre mains (op. 11); Lyrische Stückchen for Pianoforte (op. 12); Sonate für Pianoforte und Violine (op. 13); 2 symphonische Stücke für Pianoforte, à quatre mains (op. 14); Romanzen (op. 15); Concert für Pianoforte und Orchester (op. 16); Norwegische Volks-Lieder und Tänze für Pianoforte behandelt (op. 17); Romanzen und Lieder, 2 Hefte (op. 18); 'Bilder aus dem Volksleben,' neue Humoresken für Pianoforte (op. 19); 'Vor Südens Kloster,' für Soli, Damenchor und Orchester (op. 20).[ E. D. ]
[App. p.658 "The following additions are to be made to the catalogue of his works:—
21. 4 Songs.
22. 'Sigurd Jorsalfar.' PF. 4 hands.
23. 'Peer Gynt,' Incidental music. PF. 4 hands.
24. Ballade. PF. solo.
25. 5 Songs.
26. 4 Songs.
27. Quartet for Strings in G minor.
28. Albumblatter. PF. solo.
29. Improvisata on 2 Norwegian Songs. PF. solo.
30. Album for male chorus.
31. 'Landkennung.' Male chorus.
32. 'Der Bergentrückte.' Baritone and Orchestra.
33. 12 Songs.
34. 2 Melodies for stringed orchestra.
35. Norwegian dances. PF. 2 or 4 hands.
36. Sonata for PF. and Violoncello.
37. Walzer-Capricen. PF. 2 or 4 hands.
38. Neue lyrische Stückchen. PF. solo.
39. 5 Songs.
40. 'Aus Holberg's Zeit.' PF. Suite.
41. PF. transcriptions of his own songs.
43. 'Lyrische Stückchen.' Book 3, PF. solo.
45. 3rd Sonata in C minor for PF. and Violin.
All the songs, with the exception of op. 2 and 10, are included in the five volumes of Peters' 'Grieg-Album.'
Add that the composer visited London in 1888, playing his A minor Concerto and conducting his op. 34, at the Philharmonic Concert of May 3; He and Mme. Grieg gave a recital on the 16th of the month."][ M. ]