A Dictionary of Music and Musicians/Gunn, Barnabas
GUNN, Barnabas, noted for his extempore laying, was organist of St. Philip's, Birmingham, which he quitted in 1730 to succeed Hine as oranist of Gloucester Cathedral. A Te Deum and Jubilate in D of his composition are extant in MS. He published 'Sonatas for the Harpsichord,' and in 1736, at Gloucester, a thin 4to. volume containing 'Two Cantatas and Six Songs,' the music printed on one side of the leaf only, and prefaced by a poetical address 'To all Lovers of Musick,' and a remarkable list of 464 subscribers (including Handel and most of the principal musicians of the day), subscribing for 617 copies. He died in 1743.
Barnaby Gunn, probably a relation of the above, was organist of Chelsea Hospital from April 16, 1730, until early in 1753.[ W. H. H. ]