A Dictionary of Music and Musicians/Gymnase de Musique Militaire
GYMNASE DE MUSIQUE MILITAIRE. A school for educating musicians for the French military bands, founded in 1836 under the directorship of F. Berr, who died Sept. 24, 1838. Finding himself unable to carry out his views in the new school, he detailed them in a pamphlet, 'De la nécessité de reconstituer sur de nouvelles bases le Gymnase de musique militaire' (Paris 1832). Carafa succeeded Berr, and under him the Gymnase moved to the Rue Blanche, and attained to considerable dimensions, giving a complete musical education from solfeggio to counterpoint to nearly 300 pupils. It was suppressed in 1856, but it was agreed between the Ministres d'État and de la Guerre that 50 military pupils should be taught at the Conservatoire; and for these the masters of the Gymnase were retained. This arrangement has since terminated, but the examinations for conductors and subconductors of regimental bands are still held at the Conservatoire.
[ G. C. ]