A Dictionary of Music and Musicians/Jaell, Alfred
JAELL, Alfred, pianoforte player, born March 5, 1832, at Trieste. Began his career at 11 years old as a prodigy, and seems to have acquired his great skill by constant performance in public. In 1844 he was brought to Moscheles at Vienna, who calls him a Wunderknabe. In 1845 and 6 he resided in Brussels, next in Paris, and then, after the Revolution of 1848, went to America for some years. In 1854 he returned to Europe. In 1862 he played at the Musical Union, and on June 25, 1866, at the Philharmonic Society; and since that date has divided his time between the Continent and England.
In 1866 Mr. Jaell married Miss Trautmann, a pianist of ability. His published works consist of transcriptions, potpourris, and other salon pieces. He has always shown himself anxious to bring forward new compositions; and played the concertos of Brahms and of Raff at the Philharmonic, at a time when they were unknown to that audience. [App. p.685 "He died Feb. 28, 1882."][ G. ]