A Dictionary of Music and Musicians/Labitzky, Josef
LABITZKY, Josef, a well-known dance composer, born July 4, 1802, at Schönfeld, Eger, was grounded in music by Veit of Petschau; in 1820 began the world as first violin in the band at Marienbad, and in 1821 removed to a similar position at Carlsbad. He then formed an orchestra of his own, and made tournées in South Germany. Feeling his deficiencies, he took a course of composition under Winter, in Munich, and in 1827 published his first dances there. In 1835 he settled at Carlsbad as director of the band, making journeys from Petersburg on the one hand, to London on the other, and becoming every day more famous. He resides at Carlsbad, and has associated his son August with him as director. His second son, Wilhelm, an excellent violin player, is settled at Toronto, Canada, and his daughter is a favourite singer at Frankfort. Labitzky's dances are full of rhythm and spirit. Among his waltzes, the 'Sirenen,' 'Grenzboten,' 'Aurora,' 'Carlsbader,' and 'Lichtensteiner,' are good. In galops he fairly rivals Lanner and Strauss, though he has not the poetry of those two composers. [App. p.694 "add date of death, Aug. 19, 1881."]
[ F. G. ]