A Dictionary of Music and Musicians/Quartett Association, The
QUARTETT ASSOCIATION, THE. A society for the performance of chamber music, started in 1852 by Messrs. Sainton, Cooper, Hill, and Piatti, with such eminent artists as Sterndale Bennett, Mlle. Clauss, Mme. Pleyel, Miss Goddard, Pauer, Charles Halle, etc., at the pianoforte. They gave six concerts each season at Willis's Rooms, but ended with the third season, the time not having yet arrived for a sufficient support of chamber music by the London public. The programmes were selected with much freedom, embracing English composers—Bennett, Ellerton, Loder, Macfarren, Mellon, etc.; foreign musicians then but seldom heard—Schumann, Cherubim, Hummel, etc., and Beethoven's Posthumous Quartets. The pieces were analysed by Mr. Macfarren.
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