A Dictionary of Music and Musicians/Rogers, Roland
ROGERS, Roland, Mus. Doc., born at West Bromwich, Staffordshire, Nov. 17, 1847, where he was appointed organist of St. Peter's Church in 1858. He studied under Mr. S. Grosvenor, and in 1862 obtained by competition the post of organist at St. John's, Wolverhampton. In 1867 he similarly obtained the organistship of Tettenhall parish church, and in 1871 was appointed organist and choirmaster at Bangor Cathedral, a post which he still holds. He took the Oxford degree of Mus. B. in 1871, and that of Mus. D. in 1875. Dr. Rogers's published works are 'Prayer and Praise' a cantata, Evening Services in B♭ and D, Anthems, Partsongs, Organ Solos, and Songs; a Symphony in A, a Psalm 'De Profundis,' and several Anthems and Services are still in MS.
[ W. B. S. ]